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[U8] Powered by S8

In short...

If you are looking for the source code; register here (it is free), all the images provided by U8 service contains the minimal code of S8.
For more details on "How to use S8"; feel free to contact Ale and/or the U8 Team.
If you use U8 platform to do social working using Smalltalk, you already have the S8 sources (MIT licensed)... and more.

What is S8?

S8 is a way to use Smalltalk designed for this decade (2010 - 2020).
It is fruit of cycles of experiences (using Smalltalk) and reflections on how software industry has changed from y2k; and concepts emerged/endured from Smalltalking community efforts (apr/2002 - ) and of successful (and failed) attempts to build modern concepts of software production for "old" smalltalkers (experts in doing smalltalk during last +20yrs).
S8 is consistent with a vision on Smalltalk ("What is Smalltalk?").
As a tool it is usable for people with similar/compatible Point of View (POV) about Smalltalk.
It has not been any attempt nor investment in designing ways/adaptions to be usable for wider audience.

What next?

What is recommended as your next step on S8?
  1. Take an Introductory course on S8
    Contact Ale to find a way to make it happen near your home/office.
  2. Contact the experts
    Ale and/or the U8 Team.

How/where S8 is different from product/project XXX ?

S8 as result of regional scheme of concepts is unique and we donīt know about other formulations similar to S8.
It is frequently asked if "S8 source code" is derivative work of other MIT licensed sources (please download and read license terms if it is still your interest).
The question is incorrect (and we are free to do not answer incorrect questions here) because it means that the person asking has not reached the understanding of Smalltalk required to adopt a POV consistent with S8 (Smalltalk as not a language).
For people interested in "What is Smalltalk?" it is recommended to assist to Smalltalking presentations on the topic (or use an Internet search engine to find references to the topic in Smalltalking email list).