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[U8] Meetings

What is an U8 meeting?

Periodic meetings (one per week) in a day and schedule of fixed duration (one hour?).
Open to anyone registered as U8 user.

Status: Next meeting coming up!

ModeSpanish edition
DateViernes, 24 de Marzo, 2017 (?)
Time18:00am Argentina (?)
Duration(max)2 hour.
Hostsype: leo.de.marco
Meeting IDScreenConnect access code: DASF
(?) indica que está por definirse, usar la lista (o skype/email del host) para sugerir definición


These meetings aim to make progress together in U8 development and answer questions related with software production using U8 (and S8).

What do you need to join the next meeting?

Open Agenda

Add the topics of interest for next meeting here

Meeting Members

Name (email)
Alejandro Reimondoskype:aleReimondo
Leo De Marcoskype:leo.de.marco
Claudio Camposskype:claudio.smalltalker