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taking pictures

Implementation note this is not a widget. Collaborate with current mobile device to implement this functionality
Sample use in spec
  (#class -> #MobileEditor ),
   (#configuration -> (
     (#background -> #darkGray),
     (#navigationBar -> (
	      (#right -> (
		    (#snapshot -> [:coordinator |
			(coordinator @ #warning) show. 
			coordinator application device
		     openCameraDoing: [:data| 
				(coordinator @ #warning) hide. 
				coordinator model addSnapshot: data.
				  [: error |
				   (coordinator @ #warning) hide. 
				   coordinator application warning: '<center><b><u>Error accessing camera</u></b><p>',(error isString ifTrue: [ error ] ifFalse: [ error description ]),'<hr>Try again later.</center>'
				with: ( #quality -> 50 ) json