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[E8] Evaluating without native objects in iOS

We built an iOS test application (using Xcode "create new" application form) that load the image file and evaluate expressions (in default.app.js) to recopile system classes.

Xcode project

E8.zipDownload and run w/xcode 7.1 and 8(beta)


Fast exit
no crash reported, simply exit app and debugging session without detecting crash
xcode 7.3.1 & xcode 8(beta)
iPhone 6s, iOS 9.3.3

Finished w/o issue
xcode 8(beta)
iPad Pro, iOS 10.0 (beta)

Fast exit
no crash reported, simply exit app and debugging session without detecting crash
xcode 8(beta)
iPad 4 (32bits), iOS 9.3.3