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Types of references

referencesOf:Search for senders and implementors of a given selector. The result of this search will be a list with all the implementors followed by a list of all the senders..
referencesOfGlobal:Search all the references to the global name given in the argument field.
referencesOfClassVariable:Search all the methods in the system that reference directly to a class variable with the given name.
referencesOfInstanceVariable:Search all the methods in the system that reference directly to an instance variable with the given name.
findClasses:Search all the classes in the system whose names match the given argument (You can search by part of the class name. It is not case sensitive)
searchCategory:Search and list all the classes belonging to the given category .
search:Search for a literal string. The result of this search can result in a message reference or a comment reference.
searchSource:Search for a literal string. The result of this search will be a list of all the methods containing the given string as part of the source code.
globalReferencesIt does not requires an argument. The result of this search will be a list of all the global names in the system, with all their references.
missingGlobalsIt does not requires an argument. The result of this search is the set of methods referencing a global name undefined in the current image.
inlinesIt does not requires an argument. The result of this search is the set of methods using inline javaScript code in the current image.
methodOverwritesIt does not requires an argument. The result of this search is the set of all methods redefined in the actual image.
variableOverwritesIt does not requires an argument. It detects argument names and local variable names colliding with instance variables.