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How to publish a ScanApp's application as U8 contribution

  1. In user contribution page click on the + sign of Start Coding
    Uploaded Image: startCoding.jpg
  2. Select the platform of your contribution
    Uploaded Image: plattform.jpg
  3. A forked version of original contribution is available for you
    Uploaded Image: forked.png
  4. Click Edit and you will be able to edit title, icon, description and files of your contribution. The QR code is automatically generated by U8.
    Uploaded Image: edition.png
  5. About application files: ScanApp will look for index.app.st.js and will install and run it. If not found, It will look for index.app.js, if it is not found either, it will look for index.app.st so, donīt forget to include one of then!
    Uploaded Image: files.png