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[pi8] Inspection of results to require cylon modules

Uploaded Image: alert.gifIf an error is returned when trying to require a cylon module, try to install the modules again and rebuild (with super user rights); then restart your server
npm install cylon cylon-raspi cylon-gpio cylon-i2c
npm update

JS@>(self require: #cylon)
 Adaptor: (function Adaptor(opts) {...});
 Driver: (function Driver(opts) {...});
 IO: [object Object];
 Logger: [object Object];
 MCP: [object Object];
 Robot: (function Robot(opts) {...});
 Utils: [object Object];
 api: (function create(Server, opts) {...});
 config: (function update(data) {...});
 halt: (function halt(callback) {...});
 robot: (function create(opts) {...});
 start: (function start(callback) {...});

JS@>(self require: #cylon-raspi)
 adaptor: (function (args) {...});
 adaptors: #( 'raspi' );
 dependencies: #( 'cylon-gpio' 'cylon-i2c' );

JS@>(self require: #cylon-gpio)
 driver: (function (opts) {...});
 drivers: #( 'analog-sensor' 'analogSensor' 'button' 'continuous-servo' 'led' 'makey-button' 'maxbotix' 'motor' 'relay' 'servo' 'ir-range-sensor' 'direct-pin' 'rgb-led' 'temperature-sensor' 'tp401' );

JS@>(self require: #cylon-i2c)
 driver: (function (opts) {...});
 drivers: #( 'blinkm' 'hmc6352' 'mpl115a2' 'bmp180' 'jhd1313m1' 'mpu6050' 'lcd' 'lsm9ds0g' 'lsm9ds0xm' 'lidar-lite' 'pca9685' 'pca9544a' 'mag3110' 'hmc5883l' 'direct-i2c' );