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[node8] Node Frameworks

When we run on top of Node.js execution environment or other platforms derived from node.js (e.g. jx8 platforms) we can bind dinamically to any node.js library.
To use the library during first interactions and learning we can use S8's syntax sugar to access the javascript level objects directly.
On medium/long term projects it is reccomended to interact via wrappers.
The wrappers are written while understanding the use of the library/module and do NOT take too much energy to write the API (it is done using builders, search source references to 'build' in your image).

Follows a list of frameworks that has been used in diferent execution environments and can be used to load the frameworks dynamically and to learn how to write wrappers.

FrameworkDescriptionInstallation folderReferences
NodeJSWrappers to node.js API (include test files)u8:aleReimondo/NodeJSAPI reference documentation (english version)
node-ffiNode.js Foreign Function Interface u8:aleReimondo/node-ffinpm page
GitHub repo
node-fibersCooperative multi-taskingu8:aleReimondo/node-fibersnpm page
GitHub repo