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[Mobile] How to change the spec of rendered UI dynamically and refresh contents

The following examples depict how to change the spec of Mobile Framework objects (e.g. WebWidget, MobileThreadAction, MobileCoordinator, MobileCoordinatorTemplate).
A Mobile Framework spec follows a Mobile Application instantiation pattern.

The following Mobile Framework objects keep track of the spec used to build the object:

To test in ios platform:
to load Mobile Core
(SwikiCodeRobot @ #mobile) process: #s8-media tagged: #core.
mobile[iosTesting]Two tabs app for testing in ios
[ SwikiCodeRobot @> #(#U8 #mobile #iosTesting) ] valueDeferred: 500
[Mobile] ToDo: differences between platforms

To test in web platform, open the application or double-click on \www\debug.html page.

Change spec examples (using #spec: message)

Change spec examples (without using #spec: message)