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[fbot8] Installing the messenger

The first step

Setup a default bot using the Test Drive wizard provided by Facebook.
Note that the stability of the bot and aviability (and persistence) of the tool is under the responsibility of Facebook and it is frequent in this technology for bussiness that are affected by premature obsolescence. Using S8 you will exploit your previous experience in Smalltalk and also produce systems that will be much more robust and can be more persistent than the medium and technology provided/reccomended by Facebook and others.
If the code we implement here do not work at the time you need to implement a Bot, please contact us; we will not maintain/update this code if not used for bussiness.

Read more:

Ensure your bot and page works as expected

Use the bot and invite some Smalltalkers in S8Smalltalk group to share your experiences on this platform.

Next: [fbot8] Hacking the messenger