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[node8-android] app Log

11:14:51.158 JniHelper::setJavaVM
11:14:51.573 Initializing JXcore engine
11:14:51.692 Starting JXcore engine
11:14:51.903 Execution of prologue.js complete!
11:14:51.904 JXcore engine is started
11:14:51.907 Execution of setup.js complete!
11:14:52.384 About to load Snapshot
11:15:01.375 About to launchImage
11:15:02.047 	MainActivity launching...
11:15:02.538 	installMainContent took 489ms.
11:15:04.108 	installActionBar took 1568ms.
11:15:04.109 	installPrint took 1ms.
11:15:05.361 	installApplication took 370ms.
11:15:05.454 MainActivity launch complete.
11:15:05.546 	launch took 3499ms.
11:15:05.653 Snapshot loaded
11:15:05.747 Loading epilogue.js
11:15:05.909 SystemServer running at