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Debugger connected through wire

How to debug a Web page running in Chrome under Android ?

We can connect our debugger to a chrome browser instance running in an Android device through wire.
This way we can debug web applications running in an android device remotelly from desktop.


  1. Setting up your device
  2. Connecting via the the ADB Chrome extension

Short list of steps to debug a chrome page running in Android

  1. Ensure you have completed steps to install Android SDK ADB connection and you can debug your android device from desktop through wire connection.
  2. Issue the following command in the console on your desktop(host machine) to enable port forwarding:
  3. Ensure you have already opened Chrome in the device and your page to debug is actually shown (in android's chrome app).
  4. Open Chrome browser in desktop(host machine)
  5. Press the U8 debugger button (on right side of address bar). A new tab will open with connect option for debugging.
    Uploaded Image: Image1.jpg
  6. Press [Connect] button to see the pages available for debugging in the device
  7. Click on the link of the page you want to debug
  8. The debugger should enter debug state.
