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[sharing] Details on how are objects encoded & decoded

Note that it is not required to know how is done to use the framework.
Skip to next section of this page if you want to start using the framework

ENCODING - In source system
  1. Instantiate a Stringifier
  2. [optional] Configure the Stringifier instance
    1. event handlers
    2. send/store mechanism
  3. stringify the object
    1. obtain the map from the object
    2. serialize the map to a literal string
    3. returns the literal string
  4. the literal string can be transferred to target device or stored in a file
DECODING - In target system
  1. obtain a literal string to be converted in anObject
    1. the literal string can be read from file or from another device (remote server)
  2. Instantiate an Importer
  3. [optional]Configure the Importer instance
    1. event handlers
    2. parsing mechanism
  4. parse the string literal
    1. Parse literal to (native)map
    2. unmap literal to anObject
    3. returns the object