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[m8n] LuaStudio - How to build U8 app for Android

--project.Name     = "MyProjectName"
project.Name     = "as-U8-luaStudio2"
project.Title    = "as-U8-luaStudio2"
project.Package  = "com.luastudio.s8.app"
project.Team     = "YOURTEAMID" --IOS Development Team ID
project.Version  = "1.0.0"
project.Build    = 10 --Increase with every new app store upload or version change
project.Company  = "s8"
project.Path     = "Samples.luastudio"
project.Start    = "/Main.lua"
--start U8 app

SystemServer silent: true; start!
Project is ready, you can open the project with Android Studio and generate APK

Remainder: to publish an app on Google Play you need to set up Gradle for API 26