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[NLua8] Building the NLua8 platform

Details written while buildin gthe NLua8 platform.

What is NLua8 build console?

As we use to do for all platforms where S8 run, we implement a minimal execution support (most of the times a console application) to be used to build modules that implement wrappers to libraries of the execution environment.
The NLua8 application is a .Net console application that:
  1. load the s8 kernel snapshot (s8.snapspot.lua) from folder where the binary is located
  2. looks for start.lua file and if it exixts, the contents of the file is executed
  3. We use a start.lua file that will emmit files in the build directory tree

Library folder

The library folder contain implementation of wrappers to platform libraries.
NLua8Wrapper to the current execution environment
-Uploaded Image: UnderConstructionLine.gif

Download sources

The NLua8 platform files (sources and binaries) can be downloaded from http://u8.smalltalking.net/profile/aleReimondo/NLua8/
  1. Download the file NLua8.zip
  2. Decompress in a new folder
  3. Search for folder containing command file build.bat (under bin/Debug/...)
  4. Read the build.st and start.lua files to understand how it is building the libraries and evaluating tests from test[NLua8] Index page
  5. Execute the build command (build.bat) or dotnet NLua8.dll
