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[py8] Kivy

Kivy (https://kivy.org/) is a Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps..

Kivy is installed using pip See the installation page
Uploaded Image: idea.gifIf your installed python toolset do NOT work with pip command; try running in a console window

python -m ensurepip

Kivy Application samples

The kivy framework for s8 is implemented using native wrappers to kivy library; browse class Kivy.
The samples are implemented in our s8-media swiki as swiki pages evaluable from running py8 system using SwikiCodeRobot framework.

How to generate a snapshot file to run Kivy8 samples

  1. Start py8 environment as usual and connect the system from U8 workspace
  2. Ensure Kivy framework wrappers are loaded, e.g. browsing class Kivy
  3. Evaluate expression
    Kivy buildSamples
    The expression should create a snapshot file in Kivy folder
    1. Leave the py8 system
    2. open a console at kivy sample (virtualenv) with
  4. Start the kivy samples snapshot with
    python -i kivy8.snapshot.py
  5. Start the system server in console evaluating
  6. Evaluate sample expressions from remote workspace