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[r8] Index Page

The r8 platform

We are runing S8 Smalltalk systems on R Statistical Computing runtimes.
Status: Alpha 0.01 release (Mar 2024)
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License terms: the same as all S8 contents, MIT licensed

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. We want to jump into R execution environment to run our objects there.

Implementation notes

Test program

Anyone can join us for testing and start moving your objects to run on space executed by R execution machinery
The suggested channel of communication is our Facebook Group and using email or FB messenger.

Executing r8 platform

Steps to start working on [r8] platform (console mode):

Where are we running r8 ?

Well known bugs and issues

If you observed an issue or bug, please report it here or in our facebook group

What is included in r8?

Advanced features of r8 platform

ToDo list

If you want to collaborate on this platform, you can peek a topic and discuss or get guidance to implement it.
Suggested topics in our ToDo list

Other references