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sample[VSE] HtmSt

The HtmSt framework implements a model of HTML elements. It was used looong time ago for generating static pages from VSE systems.


"File: HtTools.st
    @Alejandro Reimondo 12/18/96
    This proyect sources are property of : Alejandro Reimondo
    Its use is NOT legal without written rights.

Object subclass: #HTMLSpecificationObject
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #HTMLSpecificationObject) comment: '

    Private,Development - Objects for reading HTML tags specification.
    @1996, Alejandro F. Reimondo.-' !

HTMLSpecificationObject subclass: #HTMLSpecificationElement
    ' parent childs startToken className superclass conformanceLevel events comment tags endToken '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #HTMLSpecificationElement) comment: '

    Private,Development - Objects for modeling HTML element specification.'    !

HTMLSpecificationObject subclass: #HTMLSpecificationReader
    ' title version author notifier debug sourceCode elements '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #HTMLSpecificationReader) comment: '

    Private,Development - Class for building Smalltalk code acording to specification file.' !

HTMLSpecificationObject subclass: #HTMLSpecificationSourceManager
    ' reader stream builtClasses builtMethods '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #HTMLSpecificationSourceManager) comment: '

    Private,Development - Source streamer & build tracker.'    !

HTMLSpecificationObject subclass: #HTMLSpecificationTag
    ' property selector type alternatives comment parent '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #HTMLSpecificationTag) comment: '

    Private,Development - Objects for modeling HTML tags specification.'    !

!HTMLSpecificationObject methods !
    " Private - Returns the selector to be used for signaling methods of a class in a class reader (fileIn).
    This selector is platformDependent."

    ^    'methods' "For Digitalk Smalltalks"
        " 'methodsFor' For Dolphin Smalltalk"!
generateClassMethod: header
    for: aClass
    comment: aComment
    implementation: implementation
    onto: stream
    " Private - Place class heading & method source code chunk onto stream. "

        generateMethod: header
	    for: aClass,' class'
	    comment: aComment
	    implementation: implementation
	    onto: stream!
generateMethod: header
    comment: aComment
    implementation: implementation
    onto: stream
    " Private - Place method source code chunk onto stream. "

        cr;nextPutAll: header;
        cr;nextPutAll: '    " Generated '
            ,((aComment asStream nextLine includes: $-) ifTrue: [', '] ifFalse: ['- '])
            ,aComment,' "';
        cr;nextChunkPut: '    ',implementation!
generateMethod: selector
    for: aClass
    comment: aComment
    implementation: implementation
    onto: sourceStream
    " Private - Place class heading & method source code chunk onto stream. "

        instanceHeader: aClass on: sourceStream;
        generateMethod: selector
        comment: aComment
        implementation: implementation
        onto: sourceStream.
    sourceStream nextChunkPut: String new.
	sourceStream methodBuilt: (Association key: aClass value: selector).!
instanceHeader: aClassName on: stream
    " Private - Place instance header chunk onto stream. "

        nextPut: $!!;space;
        nextPutAll: aClassName; space;
        nextPutAll: self classReaderMethodsTag;
        nextPut: $!!! !

!HTMLSpecificationElement methods !
addTag: aTag
    "Add a Tag to the receiver. "

    self tags add: aTag.
    aTag parent: self.!

    "Returns the receiver's chils."

    ^self childs!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    childs isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeChilds ].
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"
className: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    className := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"
comment: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    comment := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

conformanceLevel: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    conformanceLevel := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

endToken: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    endToken := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

events: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    events := anObject!
generateAditionalMethodsIn: stream
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for aditional methods. "

        generateUrlSelectorsMethodIn: stream;
        generateEventsMethodIn: stream;

generateClassIn: stream
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for class specification. "

    | realClass |
    self className isNil ifTrue: [
        ^self error: 'A class name must be provided for tag ',self startToken asString
    self superclass isNil ifTrue: [ self superclass: #HTMLObject ].

    realClass := Smalltalk at: className ifAbsent: [].
    realClass isNil ifTrue: [ " if not present in this image, the class must be created. "
			nextChunkPut: self superclass asString
                ,' subclass: #',self className asString
                ,'\  instanceVariableNames: String new' withCrs
                ,'\  classVariableNames: String new' withCrs
                ,'\  poolDictionaries: String new.' withCrs;
			classBuilt: className;

    (self comment notNil
        and: [ (realClass respondsTo: #comment)
        and: [ realClass respondsTo: #comment:]])
    ifTrue: [ stream nextChunkPut: self className,' comment: ',self generatedComment printString ].

    self conformanceLevel ~= 0
    ifTrue: [
            generateClassMethod: #conformanceLevel
			for: self className
            comment: 'Returns the conformance level for this element instances.'
            implementation: '^',self conformanceLevel asString
            onto: stream;

generateCodeIn: stream
    " Built Smalltalk source code for the receiver onto stream in Chunk format. "

        generateClassIn: stream;
        generateTokenMethodsIn: stream;
        generateMethodsIn: stream;
        generateAditionalMethodsIn: stream;

    self children do: [:each| each generateCodeIn: stream ].!
    " Private - Returns the comment with GENERATED tag."

    ^'Generated - ',self comment!
generateEventsMethodIn: stream
    " Private - Built supportedEvents method if needed... "

    self events size > 0 ifTrue: [
            generateClassMethod: #supportedEvents
            for: self className
            comment: 'Private - Must return a collection with the events supported by receiver''s instances.'withCrs
            implementation: '^super supportedEvents, #',self events asArray printString
            onto: stream
generateMethodsIn: stream
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for property methods. "

    self tags do: [:aTag| aTag generateCodeIn: stream for: className ].!
generateTokenMethodsIn: stream
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for token specification. "

    (self startToken notNil and: [(self startToken includes: $#) not])
    ifTrue: [
            generateClassMethod: #token
            for: self className
            comment: 'Private - The receiver must return the token to write receiver''s instances.'
            implementation: '^',self startToken printString
            onto: stream
    "Build start-stop tag methods if needed"
    self endToken = self startToken
    ifFalse: [
        self endToken size = 0 ifTrue: [ "this element does not need stop tag"
                generateMethod: #stopTag
                for: self className
                comment: 'Private - The receiver don''t need the stop token to be filled out for ending a block write.'
                implementation: '^nil'
                onto: stream
        ifFalse: [
                generateMethod: #stopTag
                for: self className
                comment: 'Private - The receiver has a diferent ending tag.'
                implementation: '^',self endToken
                onto: stream
generateUrlSelectorsMethodIn: stream
    " Private - Built urlSelectors method if needed... "

    | urlSelectors |
    urlSelectors := self tags select: [:each| each hasAnURL ].
    urlSelectors notEmpty ifTrue: [
        urlSelectors := (urlSelectors collect: [:tag| tag selector ]) asSortedCollection.
            generateClassMethod: #urlSelectors
            for: self className
            comment: 'Private - Must return a collection with the get & set selectors to be used when relocating properties.\    This method can be completed by subclasses.'withCrs
            implementation: '^super urlSelectors, #',urlSelectors asArray printString
            onto: stream
    " Private - Initialize the receiver's childs holder. "

    childs := OrderedCollection new.!
    " Private - Initialize the receiver's tags holder. "

    tags := OrderedCollection new.!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

parent: anElement
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver & update parent childs."

    parent notNil ifTrue: [
        parent childs remove: self ifAbsent: [].
    parent := anElement.
    anElement notNil ifTrue: [
        anElement childs add: self
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

startToken: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    startToken := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

superclass: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    superclass := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    tags isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeTags ].
    "Returns the token of the receiver"

    ^self startToken!
validateHierarchyNotifying: aNotifier
    " Validate receiver's hierarchy & tag methods notifying aNotifier. "

    | tag current |
    "validate tags for method building (consider implementation hierarchy for not implementing redundant methods)."
    current := self parent.
    current notNil ifTrue: [
        self tags copy do: [:each|
            [current notNil and: [
                tag := current tags detect: [:one| one = each ] ifNone: [].
                tag isNil ]] whileTrue: [ current := current parent ].
            tag notNil ifTrue: [
               aNotifier notify: self className asString,'>>',each selector
                    ,' implemented by ',current className.
                self tags remove: each ifAbsent: [].

    self children do: [:child|
        child validateHierarchyNotifying: aNotifier

validateNotifying: aNotifier
    " Validate the receiver notifying aNotifier if a anormal condition is found. "

    self comment size = 0 ifTrue: [
        aNotifier notify: 'Mising comment for ',self startToken

   self tags do: [:tag| tag validateNotifying: aNotifier ].

    self children do: [:child|
        child validateNotifying: aNotifier
    ].! !

!HTMLSpecificationReader class methods !

    " Private , Packing - Build a Smalltalk Library with generated methods only.
    HTMLSpecificationReader buildGeneratedSLL

	| builder methods classes |
	builder := (Smalltalk at: #SmalltalkLibraryBuilder
		ifAbsent: [ self error: 'SmalltalkLibraryBuilder not present in this image.' ]) new.

		fileName: 'HtmSt2.SLL';
		includeSource: true;

    methods := self generatedMethods.
	classes := methods asSet collect: [:mth| mth classField instanceClass ].
	(self generatedClassesIn: classes)
    do: [:aClass| builder addClass: aClass includeMethods: false ].
	methods do: [:each| builder add: each ].

	builder	writeFile.!
categoriesOfMethod: aMethod
    " Private , Development - Returns the categories of aCompiledMethod."

    | stream categories token skipBlanks |
    stream := aMethod source asStream.
    skipBlanks := [
        [stream atEnd not and: [stream peek isSeparator]]
        whileTrue: [ stream next ]
    categories := Set new.
    [    skipBlanks value.
        (stream peek = $") not and: [
            token := stream nextWord. token notEmpty
            and: [ stream peek = $: or: [token first isLetter not]]]
    ] whileTrue: [ stream next;nextWord ].
    skipBlanks value.
    stream peek = $" ifFalse: [
        "method does not have a comment."
    stream next.
    stream := (stream upTo: $") asStream.
    (stream contents includes: $-) ifFalse: [
        "method does not have a categorized comment."
    [    categories add: stream nextWord.
        skipBlanks value.
        stream peek = $, ] whileTrue: [ stream next ].

    HTMLSpecificationReader categoriesOfMethod: 
		(HTMLSpecificationReader class compiledMethodAt: #categoriesOf:)
confirm: text
    " Private - Prompt the user to answer yes/no to text query.
    Must return true or false. "

    ^MessageBox confirm: text!
    "Files in contents of the default specification file.
    HTMLSpecificationReader fileIn.

    ^self fileIn: self pathName!
fileIn: pathName
    "Files in contents of file pathName."

    ^self new fileIn: pathName!
    " Private , Packing - Build a Smalltalk install file with generated classes and methods.
    HTMLSpecificationReader fileOutGeneratedCode

	| file methods classes toFileOut fileOut stream |
	file := File newFile: 'HtmSt2.St'.
    methods := self generatedMethods.
	classes := methods asSet collect: [:mth| mth classField instanceClass ].
	classes := self generatedClassesIn: classes.
	classes := self sortForFileIn: classes asArray.
    classes do: [:aClass|
        file cr. aClass fileOutOn: file.
		file nextChunkPut: String new.
	fileOut := [:class|
		toFileOut := methods select: [:one| one classField == class ].
		toFileOut notEmpty ifTrue: [
    	    file setToEnd;cr;cr;nextPut: $!!;
	            nextPutAll: ' ',class name , ' methods !!'.
			toFileOut do: [:mth|
				stream := ReadStream on: mth sourceString.
				stream atEnd ifFalse: [
					file cr.
					[stream atEnd] whileFalse: [ file nextPutAll: (stream upTo: $!!) ].
					file nextPut: $!!
        	file nextPutAll: ' !!'.
	classes do: [:each|
			value: each class;
			value: each

	file close.!
generatedClassesIn: classes
    " Private - Returns aColection with the classes that has been generated durend code generation."

    ^classes select: [:each| self isGenerated: each ]!
    " Private - Returns aColection with the generated methods in HTMLElement."

    ^self generatedMethodsIn: HTMLElement

    " HTMLSpecificationReader generatedMethods "!
generatedMethodsIn: aClass
    " Private - Returns aColection with the generated methods in aClass."

    ^self methodsWithCategory: 'Generated' in: aClass!
isGenerated: aClass
    " Private - Returns true if aClass has been generated."

    ^(self nonGeneratedMethodsIn: aClass) isEmpty!
methodsWithCategory: aCategory in: aClass
    " Private - Returns aColection with the methods with category aCategory
    in class aClass and it's subclasses."

    | result method |
    result := Set new.
    aClass withAllSubclasses do: [:each|
        each selectors do: [:selector|
            method := each compiledMethodAt: selector.
            ((self categoriesOfMethod: method) includes: aCategory)
            ifTrue: [ result add: method ].
        each class selectors do: [:selector|
            method := each class compiledMethodAt: selector.
            ((self categoriesOfMethod: method) includes: aCategory)
            ifTrue: [ result add: method ].
nonGeneratedMethodsIn: aClass
    " Private - Returns all the non generated methods in aClass. "

    | all generated |
    all := OrderedCollection new.
		addAll: (aClass selectors
			collect: [:selector| aClass compiledMethodAt: selector ]);
		addAll: (aClass class selectors
			collect: [:selector| aClass class compiledMethodAt: selector ])
	generated := self generatedMethodsIn: aClass.
	^all asArray reject: [:one| generated includes: one ]!

    " Private - return the pathName of specification file. "

    " Private , Checkin - Recompile all HTMLObject methods and it's subclasses methods.
    HTMLSpecificationReader recompileAll


    " Private - Removes all the HTMLObject generated classes. "

	| classes |
	classes := self generatedClassesIn: self rootClass withAllSubclasses.
	classes := self sortForFileIn: classes.
	classes reverseDo: [:each| each removeFromSystem ]!
    " Private - Removes all the generated methods & classes in HTMLElement
    and it's subclasses when reading Specifications.
    HTMLSpecificationReader removeGeneratedCode

    (self confirm: 'Remove all generated source code in last Specification fileIn ?')
    ifFalse: [ ^false ].
    " Private - Removes all the generated comments in HTMLElement
    and it's subclasses when reading Specifications.    "

    self rootClass withAllSubclasses do: [:each|
        ((each respondsTo: #comment) and: [each comment notNil])
        ifTrue: [
            each comment asStream nextWord = 'Generated'
            ifTrue: [ each comment: nil ]
    " Private - Removes all the generated methods in HTMLElement
      and it's subclasses when reading Specifications."

    self removeMethods: self generatedMethods
removeMethods: aMethodsCollection
    " Private - Removes methods in aMethodsCollection."

    aMethodsCollection do: [:method|
        method classField removeSelector: method selector

    " Private - Returns the Root class for HTMLObjects."

    ^HTMLObject !

sortForFileIn: aCollection
    " Private , Packing - Sort aCollection of classes for correct fileIn.
	HTMLSpecificationReader sortForFileIn:
		(#(HTMLSample HTMLBody Object HTMLObject ) collect: [:each| Smalltalk at: each])


	| result conflictive allSuperclasses |
	result := OrderedCollection new.
	aCollection do: [:each|
		conflictive := result
			detect: [:one| one allSuperclasses includes: each ]
			ifNone: [].
		conflictive isNil
		ifTrue: [ result add: each ]
		ifFalse: [ result add: each before: conflictive ]
	^result asArray!
    " Private - Return the classes used in hand-written code.
    HTMLSpecificationReader usedClasses

    | classes method collect |
    collect := [:aClass|
        aClass selectors do: [:selector|
            method := aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
            method do: [:literal|
                (literal isAssociation and: [ literal value isClass ])
                ifTrue: [ classes add: literal value ]
    classes := Set new.
    self rootClass withAllSubclasses do: [:cls|
            value: cls;
            value: cls class;
    ^classes! !

!HTMLSpecificationReader methods !

    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

author: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    author := anObject!
confirm: text
    " Private - Prompt the user to answer yes/no to text query.
    Must return true or false. "

    ^self class confirm: text!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    debug isNil ifTrue: [ debug := false ].
debug: aStringOrABoolean
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with aStringOrABoolean"

    aStringOrABoolean isString ifTrue: [
        ^self debug: (#('yes' 'true' 'y' 't') includes: aStringOrABoolean asLowerCase)
    debug := aStringOrABoolean!
dumpHiearchy: element level: level
    " Private - Dump elements hiearchy. "

    | line |
    line := String new: level * 3.
    line atAllPut: $ .
    self notify: line,element className,' <',element startToken asString,'>'.
    element childs do: [:each| self dumpHiearchy: each level: level + 1 ].!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    elements isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeElements ].
    " Private - Returns the character used for ending element tag specification."

fileIn: pathName
    "FileIn stream contents..."

    | file |
    pathName isStream
    ifTrue: [ self fileInFrom: pathName ]
    ifFalse: [
        CursorManager execute
        changeFor: [
            file := File pathNameReadOnly: pathName.
            self fileInFrom: file.
            file close.

fileInFrom: stream
    " Private - FileIn stream contents. "

    self loadHeaderFrom: stream.
    [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [ self loadSpecificationFrom: stream ].
    self validateHiearchy.
    self elements do: [:each| each validateNotifying: self. ].
    self elements do: [:each| self generateCodeFor: each ].
    self fileInSourceCode.!
    " Private - FileIn Smalltalk source contained in the sourceCode. "

    | fileStream fileName htmlSt2 |
    (self confirm: 'File in generated source code ?')
    ifFalse: [ ^self sourceCode edit ].

	htmlSt2 := 'HTMLSt2'.
	File remove: htmlSt2,'.Bak' ifAbsent: [].
    fileName := htmlSt2,'.St'.
	(File exists: fileName) ifTrue: [
		File rename: fileName to: htmlSt2,'.Bak'
    self sourceCode saveAs: fileName.

    fileStream := File pathNameReadOnly: fileName.
    ((Smalltalk includesKey: #StReader)
    and: [self confirm: 'Use StReader for fileIn generated source code ?'])
    ifTrue: [
        "Object Style St Reader is present. Use it for better fileIn..."
        (Smalltalk at: #StReader) fileIn: fileStream
    ifFalse: [ fileStream fileIn ].
    fileStream close.

    (self confirm: 'Build Bindable library (',htmlSt2,'.SLL) ?')
    ifTrue: [ self sourceCode buildLibrary: htmlSt2,'.SLL' ].!
generateCodeFor: element
    " Private - Generate Smalltalk code for current specification element. "

    element generateCodeIn: self sourceCode.!
    " Private - Initializes the receiver's elements collection. "

    elements := OrderedCollection new.!

    " Private - Open notifier window. "

    notifier := TextWindow
        windowLabeled: self title
        frame: (0@0 extent: Display extent // (2 @ 1)).

    notifier nextPutAll: self title.
    self version notNil ifTrue: [
        self notify: 'Version: ',self version asString
    self author notNil ifTrue: [
        self notify: 'Author: ',self version asString
    notifier cr.
    " Private - Initializes the receiver's source code stream. "

    sourceCode := HTMLSpecificationSourceManager for: self!
loadElementFrom: stream
    " Private - Load an element specification contents from stream."

    | element aTag |
    stream next = self startTagCharacter ifFalse: [ self error: 'Invalid start element tag.'.^nil ].
    element := HTMLSpecificationElement new.
    element startToken: (stream upTo: self endTagCharacter) trimBlanks asUpperCase.
    element startToken isEmpty ifTrue: [ element startToken: nil ].

    element className: (self nextClassFrom: stream).
    element superclass: (self nextClassFrom: stream).
    element conformanceLevel: (self nextFieldFrom: stream) asInteger.
    element events: (self nextAlternativesFrom: stream).
    element comment: (stream nextLine collect: [:c| c = $' ifTrue: [$"] ifFalse: [c]]) withCrs.

    self notify: (String with: self startTagCharacter)
        , element startToken asString
        , (String with: self endTagCharacter)
        , element className asString,','
        , element superclass asString.

    [    self skipComments: stream.
        stream countBlanks > 0 ] whileTrue: [
        aTag := self nextTagFrom: stream nextLine asStream.
        aTag notNil ifTrue: [ element addTag: aTag ].
    stream next = self startTagCharacter ifFalse: [ self error: 'Invalid stop element tag.'.^nil ].
    stream next = $/ ifFalse: [ self error: 'Invalid stop element tag. "/" spected.'.^nil ].
    element endToken: (stream upTo: self endTagCharacter) trimBlanks asUpperCase.
    element endToken isEmpty ifTrue: [ element endToken: nil ].

    self notify: (String with: self startTagCharacter with: $/)
        , element endToken asString
        , (String with: self endTagCharacter).


loadHeaderFrom: stream
    " Private - Load specification header.
    Header must be lines with a single argument message to be sent to the receiver.
    An Empty line ends with the header. "

    | line selector argument lineNumber |
    lineNumber := 1.
    [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [
        line := stream nextLine trimBlanks.
        line isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^lineNumber ].
        line first = $; "comment lines will be skipped"
        ifFalse: [
            (line includes: $:) ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'Header malformed. Line #',lineNumber asString ].
            line := line asStream.
            selector := ((line upTo: $:),':') asSymbol.
            (self respondsTo: selector) ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'Invalid selector in header. Line #',lineNumber asString ].
            argument := (line upTo: nil) trimBlanks.
            self perform: selector with: argument.
        lineNumber := lineNumber + 1.

loadSpecificationFrom: stream
    " Private - Load specification contents.
    Specification syntax:
        stream will be scanned up to end.
        empty lines will be ignored.
        ; at start indicates comment.
        <startToken>className,[superClass],[conformanceLevel],[comment withCrs]
           propertyName[#msgSelector],[Type[(alternatives)]],[comments withCrs]

    | token element |
    self skipComments: stream.
    token := stream peek.
    token isSeparator "skip blanks"
    ifTrue: [ stream next ]
    ifFalse: [ "must be a tag start"
        token = self startTagCharacter
        ifFalse: [ self error: 'Start tag character spected.' ]
        ifTrue: [
            element := self loadElementFrom: stream.
            element notNil ifTrue: [ self elements add: element].
nextAlternativesFrom: stream
    " Private - Get a list of alternatives from stream."

    | result |
    result := OrderedCollection new.
    stream atEnd ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
    stream countBlanks.
    stream peek = $( ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
    [stream atEnd not and: [(stream peek = $)) not]]
    whileTrue: [
        stream peek isLetter ifFalse: [ stream next;countBlanks ].
        stream atEnd ifFalse: [ result add: stream nextWord ].
    stream peek = $) ifTrue: [ stream next ].
nextClassFrom: stream
    " Private - Returns the next class from stream or nil if atEnd. "

    | className |
    className := self nextFieldFrom: stream.
    className size = 0 ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
    (className size > 4 and: ['HTML' = (className copyFrom: 1 to: 4)])
    ifTrue: [ ^className asSymbol ].
    ^('HTML',className) asSymbol

nextFieldFrom: stream
    " Private - Returns the next field from stream or nil if atEnd. "

    stream countBlanks.
    stream atEnd ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
    ^(stream upTo: $,) trimBlanks!
nextTagFrom: stream
    " Private - Returns the next HTML Tag specification. "

    | tag aStream alternative |
    stream atEnd ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
    tag := HTMLSpecificationTag new.
    tag property: (self nextFieldFrom: stream).
    (tag property includes: $#)
    ifTrue: [
        aStream := ReadStream on: tag property.
        tag property: (aStream upTo: $#).
        tag selector: (aStream upTo: nil) trimBlanks.
    tag selector: (tag selector size > 0
        ifTrue: [ tag selector ] ifFalse: [ tag property ]) asSymbol.

    tag type: (self nextFieldFrom: stream).
    (tag type includes: $()
    ifTrue: [
        aStream := ReadStream on: tag type.
        tag type: (aStream upTo: $() trimBlanks.
        [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
            alternative := (aStream upTo: $|) trimBlanks.
            (alternative notEmpty and: [alternative last = $)])
            ifTrue: [ alternative := alternative copyFrom: 1 to: alternative size - 1 ].
            alternative isEmpty ifFalse: [
                alternative := alternative asLowerCase.
                alternative first isDigit ifTrue: [ alternative := alternative asNumber ].
                tag alternatives add: alternative

    tag comment: (stream nextLine collect: [:c| c = $" ifTrue: [$'] ifFalse: [c]]) withCrs.

    self notify: '   ', tag property asString
        ,(tag selector asString = tag property ifFalse: [ '#',tag selector asString ] ifTrue: [String new])
        ,',',tag type asString
        ,(tag alternatives notNil ifTrue: [ tag alternatives asArray asString ] ifFalse: [String new])


    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    notifier isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeNotifier ].
notifier: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    notifier := anObject!
notify: aString
    " Private - Notify aString into receiver's notifier device. "

    self debug ifTrue: [
        self notifier cr;nextPutAll: aString.
skipComments: stream
    " Private - Skip comments in stream. "

    [ stream peek = $; ] whileTrue: [ stream nextLine ].!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    sourceCode isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeSourceCode ].
    " Private - Returns the character used for starting element tag specification."

    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    title isNil ifTrue: [ ^'Scanning HTML Specification.' ].
title: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    title := anObject!
    " Private - Validates elements hiearchy and extract root elements. "

    | parent |
    elements copy do: [:element|
        (element parent isNil and: [element superclass notNil])
        ifTrue: [
            parent := elements detect: [:one| one className = element superclass ] ifNone: [].
            parent notNil ifTrue: [ element parent: parent ].

    "Select only root elements"
    elements := elements select: [:one| one parent isNil ].

    "Dump element hierarchy."
    self notify: String new;notify: 'Element hiearchy.'.
    elements do: [:each |
        each validateHierarchyNotifying: self.
        self dumpHiearchy: each level: 1
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"
version: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    version := anObject! !

!HTMLSpecificationSourceManager class methods !

for: aReader
	"Returns an nstance of the receiver working for aReader."

	^self new
		reader: aReader;
		yourself! !

!HTMLSpecificationSourceManager methods !
buildLibrary: fileName
    " Code generation, Library creation, Packing - Build a Smalltalk Library with generated methods & classes. "

	| builder methods classes |
	builder := (Smalltalk at: #SmalltalkLibraryBuilder
		ifAbsent: [ self error: 'SmalltalkLibraryBuilder not present in this image.' ]) new.

		fileName: fileName;
		includeSource: true;

	self generatedClasses
		do: [:aClass| builder addClass: aClass includeMethods: false ].
    self generatedMethods
		do: [:method| builder add: method ].

	builder	writeFile.!
    " Private, Code generation - Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

	builtClasses isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeBuiltClasses ].

    " Private, Code generation - Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

	builtMethods isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeBuiltMethods ].

classBuilt: aClassName
	" Code generation - A new class has been generated and will be called aClassName when created."

	self builtClasses add: aClassName.!

	"Delegate streaming behaviour to my stream."

	^self stream cr!
	"Edit receiver's contents."

	^self stream contents edit!
    " Private, Library creation - Returns the created classes."

	| result key |
	result := Set new.
	self builtClasses do: [:each|
		key := (each upTo: $ ) asSymbol.
		(Smalltalk includesKey: key)
		ifTrue: [ result add: (Smalltalk at: key) ].
    " Private, Library creation - Returns the created methods."

	| result trace aClass selector |
	result := OrderedCollection new: self builtMethods size.
	self builtMethods do: [:assoc|
		trace := assoc key asArrayOfSubstrings.
		aClass := nil.
		trace do: [:one|
			aClass isNil
			ifTrue: [ aClass := Smalltalk at: one asSymbol ]
			ifFalse: [ aClass := aClass perform: one asSymbol ]
		selector := assoc value upTo: $ .
		selector isString
		ifTrue: [
			selector at: 1 put: selector first asLowerCase.
			selector := selector asSymbol.
		result add: (aClass compiledMethodAt: selector)
	" Private - Initialize the receiver's built classes container."

	builtClasses := Set new.!
	" Private - Initialize the receiver's built methods container."

	builtMethods := OrderedCollection new.!

	" Private - Initialize the receiver's stream."

	stream := ReadWriteStream on: String new.!

methodBuilt: anAssociation
	"A new method has been generated and will be created as a method in class anAssociation key and selector anAssociation value."

	self builtMethods add: anAssociation.!
nextChunkPut: aStream
	"Delegate streaming behaviour to my stream."

	^self stream nextChunkPut: aStream!

nextPut: aCharacter
	"Delegate streaming behaviour to my stream."

	^self stream nextPut: aCharacter!

nextPutAll: aStream
	"Delegate streaming behaviour to my stream."

	^self stream nextPutAll: aStream!

    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

reader: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    reader := anObject!
saveAs: fileName
	" Code generation - Save receiver's contents to a file.
    Stream lines are Cr-Lf terminated."

	| fileStream |
    fileStream := File newFile: fileName.
    self stream reset.
    [self stream atEnd] whileFalse: [
        fileStream nextPutAll: self stream nextLine;cr
    fileStream close.!

	"Delegate streaming behaviour to my stream."

	^self stream space!

    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

	stream isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeStream ].
    ^stream! !

!HTMLSpecificationTag methods !
= aTag
    " Returns true if implementation of the receiver is equivalent to implementation of aTag. "

    (aTag isKindOf: self species)    ifFalse: [ ^false ].

    ^self selector = aTag selector
        and: [ self property = aTag property
        and: [ self type = aTag type
        and: [ self alternatives = aTag alternatives
        "comment is not important in this case..."
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

    alternatives isNil ifTrue: [ self initializeAlternatives ].
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"
comment: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    comment := anObject!
generateAlternativeMethodsIn: stream for: aClassName
    " Private - Built alternative comodity methods for this tag. "

    self alternatives do: [:each|
        each isString
        ifTrue: [
                generateMethod: each
                for: aClassName
                comment: 'Sets the ',self property,' property to ',each,'.'
                implementation: '^self ',self selector,': ',each printString
                onto: stream.
generateBooleanCodeIn: stream for: aClassName
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for boolean properties. "

    | symbol |
    symbol := self selector asString.
        generateMethod: symbol
        for: aClassName
        comment: 'Enable the ',self property,' property.'
            ,(self comment size > 0 ifTrue: ['\    'withCrs,self comment] ifFalse: [String new ])
        implementation: '^self enableProperty: ',self property printString
        onto: stream;
        generateMethod: symbol,': aBoolean'
        for: aClassName
        comment: 'Sets the ',self property,' property to aBoolean.'
            ,(self comment size > 0 ifTrue: ['\    'withCrs,self comment] ifFalse: [String new ])
        implementation: '^self propertyAt: ',self property printString,' put: aBoolean'
        onto: stream
    symbol size > 2
    ifTrue: [
        symbol := (symbol asString copyFrom: 1 to: 2) asLowerCase = 'no'
        ifTrue: [ symbol copyFrom: 3 to: symbol size ]
        ifFalse: [
            symbol at: 1 put: symbol first asUpperCase.
        symbol at: 1 put: symbol first asLowerCase.
            generateMethod: symbol
            for: aClassName
            comment: 'Disable the ',self property,' property.'
                ,(self comment size > 0 ifTrue: ['\    'withCrs,self comment] ifFalse: [String new ])
            implementation: '^self disableProperty: ',self property printString
            onto: stream;

generateCodeIn: stream for: aClassName
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for this tag. "

    | validateSelector source expression |
    self type = 'Boolean'
    ifTrue: [ "Boolean properties have special protocoll."
        ^self generateBooleanCodeIn: stream for: aClassName

    "buit comodity methods for alternatives...
    (done here for secure overwrite of methods...)"
        generateAlternativeMethodsIn: stream
        for: aClassName.

    "Normal get method."
        generateMethod: self selector
        for: aClassName
        comment: 'Return the ',self property,' property (or nil).'
            ,(self comment size > 0 ifTrue: ['\    'withCrs,self comment] ifFalse: [String new ])
        implementation: '^self propertyAt: ',self property printString
        onto: stream.

    self type size > 0
    ifTrue: [
        validateSelector := ('validate',self type,':') asSymbol.
        (HTMLElement includesSelector: validateSelector)
        ifFalse: [
            "This method MUST be implemented to use type as valid type
                using the same pattern as validate...: methods in this class."
            ^self error: ' Method HTMLElement>>',validateSelector,' missing.'

    source := String new.
    expression := validateSelector notNil
        ifTrue: [ "Validation needed for aValue for defined types."
            self alternatives size > 0
            ifTrue: [
                    generateValidationCodeFor: validateSelector
                    in: stream
                    for: aClassName.
            '(self ',validateSelector,' aValue)'
        ifFalse: [ "no type, can be of an enumerated type or no validated"
            self alternatives size > 0
            ifTrue: [ "enumerated types must be validated"
                source := 'aValue notNil ifTrue: [\        (#'withCrs
                    ,self alternatives asArray printString,' includes: aValue)'
                    ,'\        ifFalse: [ self error: ''Invalid value for this property.'' ].\    ].\    'withCrs.
    source := source, 'self propertyAt: ',self property printString,' put: ',expression.

        generateMethod: self selector,': aValue'
        for: aClassName
        comment: 'Sets the ',self property,' property with aValue.'
            ,(self comment size > 0 ifTrue: ['\    'withCrs,self comment] ifFalse: [String new ])
        implementation: source
        onto: stream.
generateValidationCodeFor: validateSelector in: stream for: aClassName
    " Private - Built Smalltalk source code for validating a set value. "

    | validSelector |
    validSelector := ('valid',self type,'s') asSymbol.
    (HTMLElement class includesSelector: validSelector)
    ifFalse: [
        ^self error: 'Message #',validSelector,' MUST be implemented as a HTMLElement class method.'
        generateClassMethod: validSelector
        for: aClassName
        comment: 'Private - Must return valid ',self type,' values for receiver''s instances...'
        implementation: '^#',self alternatives asArray printString
        onto: stream.!
    " Returns true if the receiver's type determines an URL"

    ^self type = 'URL'!
    " Private - Initialize the receiver's alternatives holder. "

    alternatives := OrderedCollection new.!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

parent: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    parent := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

property: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    property := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

selector: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    selector := anObject!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

type: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    type := anObject!
validateNotifying: aNotifier
    " Validate the receiver notifying aNotifier if a anormal condition is found. "

    self comment size = 0 ifTrue: [
        aNotifier notify: '    Mising comment for tag ',self property,' in ',self parent token asString
    ].! !