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[NodeJS] test results with JX8-desktop-osx

Starting Cmd8 server ./u8
Cmd8 server running on port 8080
SystemServer running on port 8088
// client connected
'test[nodeJS] index'
Evaluating first chunk of the nodeJS test set
// evaluating... test[nodeJS] index
'test[nodeJS] 000 salutation'
In prologue
Starting nodeJS tests...
'test[nodeJS] 020 Accessing to global agent'
020 Accessing to global agent with #globalAgent
020 Ok
'test[nodeJS] 040 File System (setup)'
040 setup
040 - about to setup (SwikiCodeRobot)
Implementing #outputToFile: support
040 - ready (SwikiCodeRobot)
040 - Creating Samples files
'test[nodeJS] 041 Folder operations (async)'
041-5 Creating folders with #mkdir:with:
OK-> 041-5 Succesfull creating folder TestFOLDER1
041-6 Creating folders with #mkdir:mode:with:
OK-> 041-6 Succesfull creating folder TestFOLDER2
041-7 Reading folder with #readdir:with:
041-8 Deleting folders with #rmdir:with:
OK-> 041-8 Succesfull deleting folder TestFOLDER1, TestFOLDER2
OK-> 041-7 Reading folder ./ #( '.CFUserTextEncoding' '.DS_Store' '.Trash' '.bash_history' '.bash_sessions' '.cache' '.cups' '.sqlite_history' '.subversion' 'Applications' 'Desktop' 'Documents' 'Downloads' 'FCO_video.mp4' 'Google Drive' 'Library' 'License.txt' 'Movies' 'Music' 'PAR_video.mp4' 'Pictures' 'Public' 'ReadMe.txt' 'S8DB.sqlite' 'Sample.txt' 'Sample43-1.txt' 'Sample43-2.txt' 'Sample43-3.txt' 'Sample43-4.txt' 'Sample43-5.txt' 'Sample43-6.txt' 'Sample43-7.txt' 'Sample43-8.txt' 'TestFOLDER1' 'TestFOLDER2' 'WorkInProgress.st' 'canaldelaciudad_video.mp4' 'default.snapshot.js' 'jx8.framework.json' 'node_modules' 'u8' )
'test[nodeJS] 041 Folder operations (sync)'
041-1 Reading folder with #readdirSync:
OK-> 041-1 Reading folder ./ #( '.CFUserTextEncoding' '.DS_Store' '.Trash' '.bash_history' '.bash_sessions' '.cache' '.cups' '.sqlite_history' '.subversion' 'Applications' 'Desktop' 'Documents' 'Downloads' 'FCO_video.mp4' 'Google Drive' 'Library' 'License.txt' 'Movies' 'Music' 'PAR_video.mp4' 'Pictures' 'Public' 'ReadMe.txt' 'S8DB.sqlite' 'Sample.txt' 'Sample43-1.txt' 'Sample43-2.txt' 'Sample43-3.txt' 'Sample43-4.txt' 'Sample43-5.txt' 'Sample43-6.txt' 'Sample43-7.txt' 'Sample43-8.txt' 'WorkInProgress.st' 'canaldelaciudad_video.mp4' 'default.snapshot.js' 'jx8.framework.json' 'node_modules' 'u8' )
041-2 Creating folders with #mkdirSync:mode:
OK-> 041-2 Succesfull creating folder TestFOLDER3
041-3 Creating folders with #mkdirSync:
OK-> 041-3 Succesfull creating folder TestFOLDER4
041-4 Deleting folders with #rmdirSync:
OK-> 041-4 Succesfull deleting folders TestFOLDER2,TestFOLDER3,TestFOLDER4
'test[nodeJS] 042 File open/close (async)'
042-3 Opening & closing files with #open:flags:mode:with: #close:with:
OK-> 042-3 Succesfull opening & closing file Sample.txt
042-4 Opening & closing files with #open:flags:with: #close:with:
OK-> 042-4 Succesfull opening & closing file Sample.txt
042-3 Async close executed
042-4 Async close executed
'test[nodeJS] 042 File open/close (sync)'
042-1 Opening,closing files with #openSync:flags: #closeSync:
OK-> 042-1 Succesfull opening & closing file Sample.txt
042-2 Opening,closing files with #openSync:flags:mode: #closeSync:
OK-> 042-2 Succesfull opening & closing file Sample.txt
'test[nodeJS] 043 File Write (async)'
043-6 Writing files with #write:buffer:offset:length:position:with:
OK-> 043-6 Succesfull writing file Sample43-6.txt
043-7 Writing files with #write:data:position:encoding:with:
OK-> 043-7 Succesfull writing file Sample43-7.txt
043-8 Writing files with #writeFile:data:options:with:
OK-> 043-8 Succesfull writing file Sample43-8.txt
Error: 043-6 Error: EACCES, open 'Sample43-6.txt'

throw(self);return self;}
function (){var $s8Ret$={name:"stReturn"};try{var self=this;var $$native=nil;$$native=self.nativeException();
(((nil.isNil_($$native))).mustBeBoolean()==true ? (function(){return (function(){$s8Ret$.result=(function(){return "";})();throw($s8Ret$)})();})() : nil);
(function(){$s8Ret$.result=(function(){return ($$native.stack || "");})();throw($s8Ret$)})();return self;} catch($$ex) {if($$ex === $s8Ret$){return $$ex.result;} throw($$ex);}}
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...