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test[nodeJS] 042 File open/close (async)

"042-3 Opening & closing files with #open:flags:mode:with: #close:with:"
| fs closeBlock |
closeBlock := [:ex| self print:'042-3 Async close executed', ex ].
fs := NodeJS fs.
fs open: (TestPath, 'Sample.txt') flags:#r mode:0666 with: [:error :fd| 
   error isNil ifFalse: [ ^self error: '042-3 ' ,error ].
   fs close: fd with: closeBlock.      

"042-4 Opening & closing files with #open:flags:with: #close:with:"
| fs closeBlock |
closeBlock := [:ex| self print:'042-4 Async close executed', ex ].
fs := NodeJS fs.
fs open: (TestPath, 'Sample.txt') flags:#r with: [:error :fd| 
   error isNil ifFalse: [ ^self error: '042-4 ' ,error ].
   fs close: fd with: closeBlock.   