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test[s8] block closures

We have reported issues with blocks, so... comments and tests follows.
1 - Return from wrong context (in recursion)
"1 - Context return in recursion"
! Object methodsFor: #examples !
^self example1Helper: nil! !
! Object methodsFor: #examples !
example1Helper: aBlock
aBlock isNil ifTrue: [
self example1Helper: [^true].
aBlock value.
^false! !
[ 1 example1 == true ifFalse: [
self print: 'TEST FAILED - Return from wrong context'
] on: Error do: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - wrong block semantics' ]
2 - (failure) Nested returns
This test expose the bug when the exit op throw exception outside of scope.
"2 - Nested returns"
! Object methods !
self print: #example2 ,$ ,self.
true ifTrue: [
self print: #level1.
^true ifTrue: [
self print: #level2.
^12 odd
self print: #example2 ,$ ,#shouldNotRunHere! !
[1 example2 = false ifFalse: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - Nested returns' ]
] on: Error do: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - wrong block semantics' ]
Explanation of the bugs
example1 | The selector is used to catch stReturn exception, ... do not work on recursion (or activations with same message selector) |
example2 | The generated code defer evaluation of handler function, to section outside exception coverage. |