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test[jx8-android] 011 - Configuration and settings

"test adding to classpath after other calls are made"
JavaSystem currentTimeMillis.
self print: 'Java classpath=' ,Java current classpath.
[ Java current classpath: #('test/').
self error: 'This should not happen. Java classpath=' ,Java current classpath printString
] on: Error do: [^#ok].
"test changing options after other calls are made"
JavaSystem currentTimeMillis.
self print: 'Java options=' ,Java current options.
[ Java current options: #(#newOption).
self error: 'This should not happen. Java options=' ,Java current options printString
] on: Error do: [^#ok].
"test changing nativeBindingLocation after other calls are made"
JavaSystem currentTimeMillis.
self print: 'Java nativeBindingLocation=' ,Java current nativeBindingLocation.
[ Java current nativeBindingLocation: #nativeBindingLocation.
self error: 'This should not happen. nativeBindingLocation=' ,Java current nativeBindingLocation printString
] on: Error do: [^#ok].