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Title syntax

The title of each page must follow the following syntax convention to be understood by a swiki robot (aSwikiCodeRobot).


  1. the title MUST start with a category name, used by aSwikiCodeRobot to select pages of interest.
    The category defines a media-workspace (a set of pages to be processed)
    e.g. "test" category for tests, "api" for builders, etc.
  2. the "[" character start the tags section
  3. the tags to filter interest must be separated by ","
  4. the tags must be followed by "]"
  5. The command section will be parsed looking for additional information guiding robot traversal of the page contents.

In case of code robots, pages with valid/understood commands are parsed to define type of contents. The titles are sorted (acording to internal heuristics of the robot instance) and contents are read/filedIn from text contents of each page.
Robots parse command section looking for commands matching:
[{ClassName} prologue|{class} methods|epilogue] comment

If the command start with uppercase letter, it is understood that page has a Class related contents.
The ClassName section can be ommited (specifying "out of scope" contents).
The ClassName can be followed with "methods" or " class methods" to define class related contents.
The ClassName can be followed with "prologue" or "epilogue" to specify chunks that can be read before/after the class related pages.

All other command content is considered comment and ignored by default.

The pages with valid titles are collected and sorted to start the fileIn of each page contents in order.

Next page: FileIn process