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api[osx,Foundation] methods

NSObject buildAccessors: #(
NSObject buildGetters: #(
NSObject buildFunctions: #(
	#(#replacementObjectForArchiver: #(#(archiver handle)) #NSObject)
	#(#replacementObjectForPortCoder: #(#(aCoder handle)) #NSObject)
	#(#copyScriptingValue:forKey:withProperties: #(value key #(properties json)) #NSObject)
	#(#newScriptingObjectOfClass:forValueForKey:withContentsValue:withProperties: #(cls key #(contentsValue handle) #(properties json)) #NSObject)
	#(#scriptingValueForSpecifier: #(#(objectSpecifier handle)) #NSObject)

	subclass: #NSAffineTransformStruct
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAffineTransformStruct buildNumberAccessors: #(
	m11 m12 m21 m22 tx ty

! NSAffineTransformStruct class methodsFor: #instantiation !
m11: m11 m12: m12 m21: m21 m22: m22 tx: tx ty: ty
	| handle |
	handle := {'new NSAffineTransformStruct(m11,m12,m21,m22,tx,ty);'}.
	^self @ handle! !

	subclass: #NSAffineTransform
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAffineTransform  buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(transformStruct #NSAffineTransformStruct)
NSAffineTransform  buildFunctions: #(
	#(#rotateByDegrees: #(angle))
	#(#rotateByRadians: #(angle))
	#(#scaleBy: #(scale))
	#(#scaleXBy:yBy: #(scaleX scaleY))
	#(#translateXBy:yBy: #(x y))
	#(#appendTransform: #(#(aTransform handle)))
	#(#prependTransform: #(#(aTransform handle)))
	invert set concat
	#(#transformPoint: #( #(aNSPoint handle) ) #NSPoint)
	#(#transformSize: #( #(aNSSize handle) ) #NSSize)
	#(#transformBezierPath: #( #(aNSBezierPath handle) ) #NSBezierPath)
! NSAffineTransform class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #transform)! !

! NSAffineTransform class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver initialized to the identity matrix. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #transform)! !

! NSAffineTransform class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withTransform: aTransform
	" Return an instance of the receiver initialized from aTransform. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithTransform: aTransform handle)! !

	subclass: #NSAppleEventDescriptor
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAppleEventDescriptor buildNumberGetters: #(
	aeDesc numberOfItems
	int32Value typeCodeValue
	returnID transactionID
NSAppleEventDescriptor buildBooleanGetters: #(
NSAppleEventDescriptor buildGetters: #(
	descriptorType enumCodeValue
	stringValue eventClass
NSAppleEventDescriptor buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(data #NSData)
NSAppleEventDescriptor buildFunctions: #(
	#(#coerceToDescriptorType: #(descriptorType) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#descriptorAtIndex: #(index) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#insertDescriptor:atIndex: #(#(descriptor handle) index) )
	#(#removeDescriptorAtIndex: #(index) )
	#(#descriptorForKeyword: #(keyword) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#keywordForDescriptorAtIndex: #(index) )
	#(#removeDescriptorWithKeyword: #(keyword) )
	#(#setDescriptor:forKeyword: #(#(descriptor handle) keyword) )
	#(#attributeDescriptorForKeyword: #(keyword) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#paramDescriptorForKeyword: #(keyword) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#removeParamDescriptorWithKeyword: #(keyword) )
	#(#setAttributeDescriptor:forKeyword: #(#(descriptor handle) keyword) )
	#(#setParamDescriptor:forKeyword: #(#(descriptor handle) keyword) )

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withEventClass: eventClass
	eventID: eventID targetDescriptor: addressDescriptor
	returnID: returnID transactionID: transactionID
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		appleEventWithEventClass: eventClass
		eventID: eventID targetDescriptor: addressDescriptor
		returnID: returnID transactionID: transactionID)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withBoolean: aBoolean
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass descriptorWithBoolean: aBoolean)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withDescriptorType: descriptorType bytes: bytes length: byteCount
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		descriptorWithDescriptorType: descriptorType
		bytes: bytes length: byteCount)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withDescriptorType: descriptorType data: aNSData
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		descriptorWithDescriptorType: descriptorType
		 data: aNSData handle)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withEnumCode: code
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass descriptorWithEnumCode: code)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withString: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass descriptorWithString: aString)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withTypeCode: code
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass descriptorWithTypeCode: code)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #listDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #nullDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #recordDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #listDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #listDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #nullDescriptor)! !

! NSAppleEventDescriptor class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #recordDescriptor)! !

	subclass: #NSAppleEventManager
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAppleEventManager buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(currentAppleEvent #NSAppleEventDescriptor)
	#(currentReplyAppleEvent #NSAppleEventDescriptor)
NSAppleEventManager buildFunctions: #(
	#(#removeEventHandlerForEventClass:andEventID: #(eventClass eventID) )
	#(#setEventHandler:andSelector:forEventClass:andEventID: #(#(handler handle) selector eventClass eventID) )
	#(#dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon: #(#(theAppleEvent handle) #(theReply handle) handlerRefCon) )
	#(#appleEventForSuspensionID: #(#(suspensionID handle)) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#replyAppleEventForSuspensionID: #(#(suspensionID handle)) #NSAppleEventDescriptor )
	#(#resumeWithSuspensionID: #(#(suspensionID handle)) )
	#(#setCurrentAppleEventAndReplyEventWithSuspensionID: #(#(suspensionID handle)) )
	#(#suspendCurrentAppleEvent #() #NSObject)

! NSAppleEventManager class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #sharedAppleEventManager)! !

! NSAppleEventManager class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #sharedAppleEventManager)! !

	subclass: #NSAppleScript
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAppleScript buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSAppleScript buildGetters: #(
NSAppleScript buildFunctions: #(
	#(#compileAndReturnError: #(errorInfoPtr))
	#(#executeAndReturnError: #(errorInfoPtr))
	#(#executeAppleEvent:error: #(#(event handle) errorInfoPtr) #NSAppleEventDescriptor)

! NSAppleScript methodsFor: #compiling !
compileOnError: aBlock
	" Compiles the receiver, if it is not already compiled. "

	| errorInfo result |
	errorInfo := self outArgument.
	result := self compileAndReturnError: errorInfo.
	result ifFalse: [ ^aBlock evaluateWith: "NSError @" errorInfo ].
	^true! !

! NSAppleScript methodsFor: #executing !
executeOnError: aBlock
	" Compiles the receiver, if it is not already compiled. "

	| errorInfo result |
	errorInfo := self outArgument.
	result := self executeAndReturnError: errorInfo.
	result ifFalse: [ ^aBlock evaluateWith: "NSError @" errorInfo ].
	^true! !

! NSAppleScript class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withSource: source
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithSource: source)! !

! NSAppleScript class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: aNSURL error: errorInfoPtr
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithContentsOfURL: aNSURL handle
		error: errorInfoPtr)! !

! NSAppleScript class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: aNSURL onError: aBlock
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	| errorInfo result |
	errorInfo := self outArgument.
	result := self nativeClass
		instanceWithContentsOfURL: aNSURL handle
		error: errorInfo.
	^result notNil "(errorInfo basicAt: #code) isNil"
		ifTrue: [ self @ result ]
		ifFalse: [ aBlock evaluateWith: "NSError @" errorInfo ]! !