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sample[jx8-android] fileContents

SwikiCodeRobot @> #JX8AndroidFileContents

"#fileContents for reading files"
| pathName text |
pathName := '*/A8/u8.configuration.json'.
text := pathName fileContents.
  print: 'Contents at ',pathName;
  print: 'size=',text size.

"#fileContents for reading invalid file"
| pathName text |
pathName := '*/missing S8 folder/missing.image.js'.
text := pathName fileContents.
text isNil ifFalse: [
	^self error: 'Should be nil'

"#fileContents for reading URL"
| pathName text |
pathName := 'http://www.smalltalking.net'.
text := pathName fileContents.
  print: 'Contents at ',pathName;
  print: 'size=',text size.

"#fileContents for reading U8 files"
| pathName text |
pathName := 'u8:aleReimondo/platforms.json'.
text := pathName fileContents.
  print: 'Contents at ',pathName;
  print: 'size=',text size.

"#fileContents for reading Swiki pages"
| pathName text |
pathName := 'swiki:s8-media/.pages'.
text := pathName fileContents.
  print: 'Contents at ',pathName;
  print: 'size=',text size.

"#fileContents for reading invalid URL"
| pathName text |
pathName := 'http://invalidURL/to/file.st'.
text := pathName fileContents.
text isNil ifFalse: [
	^self error: 'Should be nil'