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test[S8ObjC] instanceof

SwikiCodeRobot @> #testS8ObjCInstanceof

"Obj-C Classes should be instances of Class and ID"
| nsObject object |
nsObject := ObjCClass classNamed: #NSObject.
object := ID  @ nsObject newInstanceHandle.

#( Function Class ID ) do: [:type|
	(nsObject instanceOf: type) ifFalse: [
		self error: 'NSObject IS NOT an instance of ' ,type
#( Exception ) do: [:type|
	(nsObject instanceOf: type) ifTrue: [
		self error: 'NSObject IS an instance of ' ,type

#( Function ID ) do: [:type|
	(object instanceOf: type) ifFalse: [
		self error: 'Instance IS NOT an instance of ' ,type
#( Class Exception ) do: [:type|
	(object instanceOf: type) ifTrue: [
		self error: 'Instance IS an instance of ' ,type

self print: #ok