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app[dji8-ios] 03 Getting Started with DJI UI Library


DJI UI Library is a visual framework consisting of UI Elements. It helps you simplify the creation of DJI Mobile SDK based apps in iOS. With similar design to DJI Go,UI Elements allow you to create consistent UX between your apps and DJI apps.

Additionally, with the ease of use, UILibrary let you focus more on business and application logic.

As DJI UI Library is built on top of DJI Mobile SDK and VideoPreviewer, you need to use it with them together in your application development.


For an in depth learning on DJI UI Library, please go to the UI Library Introduction.

Import the UILibrary with CocoaPods

Add to the content of the Podfile the following line:
pod 'DJI-UILibrary-iOS', '~> 4.3'
Next, run the following command in the path of the project's root folder:
pod install

Uploaded Image: alert.gifIf you saw "Unable to satisfy the following requirements" issue during pod install, please run the following commands to update your pod repo and install the pod again:

pod repo update
pod install

Import the VideoPreviewer

See app[dji8-ios] 02 Creating a Camera Application

To be continued...

Uploaded Image: UnderConstructionLine.gif