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test[photos8] 02 Accessing Assets

"Accessing all Assets"
| media extents |
media := PoolDictionary new.
extents := PoolDictionary new.
PHAsset collection do: [:each|
		at: each mediaTypeSelector
		ifAbsentPut: [#()])
		add: each.
		at: each extent printString
		ifAbsentPut: [#()])
		add: each
media associationsDo: [:assoc|
	self print: '// ',assoc value size ,' ' ,assoc key ,' assets '
extents associationsDo: [:assoc|
	self print: '// ',assoc value size ,' assets of extent ' ,assoc key

"Accessing Assets of known albums"
#(Buceo 'My Photo Stream' missing ) do: [:title| | album |
	"self print: '// Searching album titled ',title."
	album := PHAssetCollection album: title.
	self print: (album isNil
		ifTrue:  [ '//	Missing Album titled ',title ]
		ifFalse: [ '//	Album ',title,' has ', album count,' assets' ])

"Accesing smart albums"
#(	Videos Screenshots 'Recently Deleted' Hidden Bursts
	'Time-lapse' 'Slo-mo' 'Recently Added'
	Favorites Selfies Panoramas Portrait
	'Live Photos' Animated
) do: [:title| | album |
	album := PHAssetCollection smartAlbum: title.
	album notNil ifTrue: [
		self print: '// Found ' ,album assets size ,' assets in ',title