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test[LuaStudio] StringIO

Test to read/write String instances from/to file
e.g. #fileContents and #outputToFile:

! String class methodsFor: #sample !
	" sample "
	| root path |
	root := MediaFile applicationStorageDirectory nativePath.
	path := root, '/test.txt'. 
	'testing content' outputToFile: path! !

" Install #read: function in global space "
[:path | (FileSystem new exists: path) ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
^IOFile new getContent: path ] installAs: #read:

! String methodsFor: 'platform-io' !
	" Return the contents of file stored at fileName given by the receiver.
	Return nil if the file do not exist.

	^# #read: self! !

! String class methodsFor: #sample !
	" sample "
	| root path |
	root := MediaFile applicationStorageDirectory nativePath.
	path := root, '/test.txt'. 
	# #print: path fileContents! !

! String class methodsFor: #sample !
	" sample "
	| root path |
	root := MediaFile applicationStorageDirectory nativePath.
	path := root, '/noFile.txt'. 
	# #print: path fileContents! !

! String class methodsFor: #sample !
	" sample "
	| directory path |
	directory := 'assets'.
	path := directory, '/sample.txt'. 
	'test' outputToFile: path! !

! String class methodsFor: #sample !
	" sample "
	| directory path |
	directory := 'assets'.
	path := directory, '/sample.txt'. 
	# #print: path fileContents! !

String outputToFileExample

String fileContentsForNoFileExample

String fileContentsExample

String outputToRelativeFileExample

String fileContentsForRelativeFile