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test[sharing] S8-VSE 02 circular

Test for objects with circular references.

Uploaded Image: alert.gifNote

Uploaded Image: blue.gifCharacters from S8 comes to VSE as Strings
Uploaded Image: blue.gifSymbols comes to VSE as Strings

"Testing object with circular references. Note that this code MUST be run in VSE."
self cancelFileIn!

| sample object |
sample := '{"origin":"S8","id":11,"contents":{"id":2,"class":{"id":3,"global":"Array"},"contents":[{"id":4,"class":" 3","contents":[" 2",{"1":700,"2":" 2","id":5,"class":{"id":6,"global":"Point","allInstVarNames":["x","y"]}},"A",{"id":7,"class":{"id":8,"global":"Set","allInstVarNames":["contents"]},"contents":["print:","fileIn:","fileInJS:","smalltalk","nativeLanguage","halt","note:","notImplementedYet","notImplementedYet:","accept:","=","~=","initialize","yourself","class","size","copy","shallowCopy","deepCopyOf:","deepCopy","->","asString","toString","asNative:","asNative","asJSON","escapedCode","perform:","perform:with:","perform:withArguments:","basicAt:","basicAt:ifAbsent:","basicAt:ifAbsentPut:","instVarAt:","instVarAt:put:","basicAt:put:","error:","subclassResponsibility","implementedBySubclass","shouldNotImplement","invalidMessage","subclassResponsibility:","implementedBySubclass:","shouldNotImplement:","invalidMessage:","smalltalkErrorOf:","inspect","basicInspect","printString","isKindOf:","isMemberOf:","ifNil:","ifNil:ifNotNil:","ifNotNil:","ifNotNil:ifNil:","isNil","notNil","isClass","isMetaclass","isNumber","isString","isArray","isObject:","typeOf:","methodFor:","respondsTo:","basicDelete:","doesNotUnderstand:","dnu:withArguments:","basicPerform:withArguments:","json","asJson:","asJSONObject","jsonHiddenNames","jsonFieldsDo:ignoring:","jsonExportNil","mustBeBoolean","mustBeNumber","isBoolean","asLiteral","isCharacter","isAssociation","isDictionary","isRectangle","isMessage","argumentCount","numberOfArguments","evaluate","evaluateDeferred","evaluateWithArguments:","evaluateWith:","logEvaluate:","asActionSequence","eventTable","eventTableForEdit","releaseEventTable","release","eventTableCreate","canTriggerEvent:","invalidEvent:","when:evaluate:","actionListForEvent:","setActionList:forEvent:","removeActionsSatisfying:forEvent:","removeActionsWithReceiver:forEvent:","removeAction:forEvent:","when:do:","when:send:to:withArguments:","when:send:to:","triggerEvent:ifNotHandled:","actionForEvent:","triggerEvent:","triggerEvent:withArguments:","triggerEvent:with:","triggerEvent:with:with:","triggerEvent:withArguments:ifNotHandled:","triggerEvent:with:ifNotHandled:","hasActionForEvent:","eventsHandled","removeAllActionsWithReceiver:","removeActionsForEvent:","addDependent:","changed","updateEvent:selector:arguments:","changed:","changed:with:","changed:with:with:","dependents","update:with:","update:","printingWith:do:","isParseFailure","asParser","ifUndefined:","orNil","scanFrom:","javascriptCodeFollows","cancelFileIn","ignoreFileInUpTo:","==","~~","isFile:olderThan:","emmit:startingWith:","emmit:","asJS","asNativeHandle","handleOf:","asJavascript","alert:","confirm:","prompt:","prompt:default:","promptValue:","inspectorSupport"]}]}," 5",{"1":"hello\nworld / crude\tworld \bČ","2":" 2","id":9,"class":{"id":10,"global":"Association","allInstVarNames":["key","value"]}},{"id":11,"global":"String"},"    ",600,700.7,"x",null,"  ","  hello"]}}' asObject.

sample isArray ifFalse: [ self error: 'Must be Array' ].
sample first first = sample ifFalse: [ self error: '1.1.- Must be sample' ].
(sample first at: 2) x = 700 ifFalse: [ self error: '1.2.- Must be Point x 700' ].
(sample first at: 2) y = sample ifFalse: [ self error: '1.2.- Must be Point y = sample' ].
(sample first at: 3) = 'A' ifFalse: [ self error: '1.3.- Must be $A' ].
((sample first at: 4) isKindOf: Set) ifFalse: [ self error: '1.4.- Must be a Set' ].
((sample first at: 4) includes: 'yourself') ifFalse: [ self error: '1.4.- #yourself must be present' ].
((sample at: 2) isKindOf: Point) ifFalse: [ self error: '2.- Must be aPoint' ].
(sample at: 2) x = 700 ifFalse: [ self error: '2.1.- Must be Point x 700' ].
(sample at: 2) y = sample ifFalse: [ self error: '2.2.- Must be Point y = sample' ].
((sample at: 3) isKindOf: Association) ifFalse: [ self error: '3.- Must be anAssociation' ].
((sample at: 3) key isKindOf: String) ifFalse: [ self error: '3.1.- key must be aString' ].
object := (sample at: 3).
(object key includes: 8 asCharacter) ifFalse: [ self error: '3.1.1.- Bs must be included' ].
object key last asciiValue = 200 ifFalse: [ self error: '3.1.2.- Character 200 must be included' ].
(object key indexOf: $/) = 13 ifFalse: [ self error: '3.1.3.- $/ must be at index 14' ].
object value = sample ifFalse: [ self error: '3.2.- Value must be sample' ].
(sample at: 4) = String ifFalse: [ self error: '4.- Must be String' ].
(sample at: 6) = 600 ifFalse: [ self error: '6.- Must be 600' ].
(sample at: 7) = 700.7 ifFalse: [ self error: '7.- Must be 700.7' ].
(sample at: 8) = 'x' ifFalse: [ self error: '8.- Must be #x' ].
(sample at: 9) isNil ifFalse: [ self error: '9.- Must be nil' ].
(sample at: 10) ,#hello = (sample at: 11) ifFalse: [ self error: '10.- Wrong contents at 10&11' ].

Expression to dump source object

Collect the result of evaluating this expression in S8 and paste (by hand) in the previous code
"Collect the result, running in S8 and paste (by hand) in this page"
| tag sample point tab string |
tab := String with: 9 asCharacter.
tag := Stringifier new tagStart.
sample := #( 100 200 300 400 500 600 700.7 ) ,(Array with: #x with: nil with: tag with: tag ,#hello).
point := 700 @ sample.
sample at: 1 put: (Array with: sample with: point with: $A with: Object selectors asSet).
sample at: 2 put: point.
sample at: 3 put: (Association key: 'hello
world / crude',tab,'world ',(String with: 8 asCharacter with: 200 asCharacter) value: sample).
sample at: 4 put: String.
sample at: 5 put: tag,tag,tag.
string := (Stringifier to: #S8) @ sample.
"string outputToFile: 'sample.object.json'."
self print: string printString.