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test-[jscocoa] 015 IBOutlet IBAction


"actually excluded from tests" self cancelFileIn!
self nativeCodeFollows!

	// Split call disabled by default since ObjJ syntax
	var useSplitCall = __jsc__.useSplitCall
	__jsc__.useSplitCall = true

	var messageFromAction = null

	defineClass('MyButtonTestingOutletAction < NSButton', 
		'setState:' : 
						function(sel, object)
							var r = this.Super(arguments)
//							JSCocoaController.log('perform ' + sel + ' object=' + object)
							testInstanceOverload = true
							return	r
		,'myAction1' : ['IBAction', 
						function (sender)
//							JSCocoaController.log('Action1 ! ' + this.myOutlet1)
							messageFromAction = 'myAction1'
		,'myAction2' : ['IBAction', 
						function (sender)
//							JSCocoaController.log('Action2 ! ' + this.myOutlet2)
							messageFromAction = 'myAction2'
		,'myAction3' : ['IBAction', 
						function (sender)
//							JSCocoaController.log('Action3 ! ' + this.myOutlet3)
							messageFromAction = 'myAction3'
		,'myOutlet1' : 'IBOutlet'
		,'myOutlet2' : 'IBOutlet'
		,'myOutlet3' : 'IBOutlet'

	defineClass('NibTestOwner < NSObject',
		 'window'	: 'IBOutlet'
		,'button'	: 'IBOutlet'
		,'input1'	: 'IBOutlet'
		,'input2'	: 'IBOutlet'
		,'myValue'	: 'Key'

	var path = NSBundle.mainBundle.bundlePath + '/Contents/Resources/Tests/Resources/standalone window.nib'

	// This will be the NIB's owner, it will receive outlets after loading
	var owner = NibTestOwner.instance

	// loadNibNamed does not allow path data, load with NSNib
//	var nib = NSNib.instance({withContentsOfURL:NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path)})
	var nib = NSNib.instanceWithContentsOfURL(NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path))
	var nibObjects = hasObjCGC ? null : new outArgument
	if (!nib.instantiateNibWithOwner_topLevelObjects(owner, nibObjects))	throw 'NIB not loaded ' + path

	// Check if outlets are connected
	if (owner.window['class'] != 'NSWindow')					throw 'window IBOutlet not connected'
	if (owner.button['class'] != 'MyButtonTestingOutletAction')	throw 'button IBOutlet not connected'

	if (owner.button.myOutlet1.title != 'ButtonOutletTest1')	throw 'button1 IBOutlet not connected'
	if (owner.button.myOutlet2.title != 'ButtonOutletTest2')	throw 'button2 IBOutlet not connected'
	if (owner.button.myOutlet3.title != 'ButtonOutletTest3')	throw 'button3 IBOutlet not connected'

	// Check if actions are connected - use perform click
	if (messageFromAction != 'myAction1')						throw 'action1 IBAction not connected'
	if (messageFromAction != 'myAction2')						throw 'action2 IBAction not connected'
	if (messageFromAction != 'myAction3')						throw 'action3 IBAction not connected'

	// Change window title and check we get it back OK
	var &#51060;&#47492; = 'helloéworld'
	var &#51060;&#47492; = '&#50724;&#45720;&#51032; &#52628;&#52380;'
	owner.window.title = &#51060;&#47492;
	if (owner.window.title != &#51060;&#47492;)								throw 'window title not changed'

//	JSCocoaController.log('owner.window.title=' + owner.window.title)

	//	Bindings test
	//	PROBLEM : upon second call, fails in valueForKey, calling and old closure ([owner myValue] ?)
	//	-> only test once.
	if (!('bindingsAlreadyTested' in this) && !NSApplication.sharedApplication.delegate.bindingsAlreadyTested)
		// Test bindings
		var &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;1 = '&#949;&#958;&#972;&#961;&#965;&#958;&#951;&#962;'
		var &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;2 = '&#967;&#961;&#965;&#963;&#959;&#973;'
		owner.set({ value : &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;1, forKey : 'myValue' })

		// Bind model (owner.myValue) to view (input1.value)
		// This will copy model value to view value
		owner.input1.bind({ '' : 'value', toObject : owner, withKeyPath : 'myValue', options : null})

		// Check that view value did reflect initial model value
		if (owner.input1.stringValue != &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;1)	throw 'binding : initial binding failed'
		// Change model value
		owner.set({ value : &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;2, forKey : 'myValue' })

		// Check that view value did reflect new model value
		if (owner.input1.stringValue != &#955;&#941;&#958;&#951;2)	throw 'binding : update dispatch failed'
		// Unbind
//		JSCocoaController.log('bindingInfo=' + owner.input1.infoForBinding('value'))
//		JSCocoaController.log('bindingInfo=' + owner.input1.infoForBinding('value'))
		JSCocoaController.log('(skipping bindings test)')
	bindingsAlreadyTested = true
	NSApplication.sharedApplication.delegate.bindingsAlreadyTested = true
	// No longer needed as I somehow fixed it ! :)
	//	20090321 : HA ! YOU WISH - added one time check back.
	//	For a class with className, Cocoa create a shadow class named NSKVONotifying_className 
	//	and hardcodes original get / set method implementations into it. 
	//	Upon a next test run, defineClass() will have defined new methods BUT the binding mechanism will use the previous implementations.
	//	eg for a key named myValue, NSKVONotifying will call the old implementations of these :
	//		- (void)setMyValue
	//		- (id)myValue
	//	and crash. If the closure was deleted via munmap, GDB will show the top of the stack trace as ???.
//	delete this.bindingsAlreadyTested
	// Hide window
//	owner.window.orderOut(null)

//	JSCocoaController.log('contentView=' + owner.window.contentView)
//	JSCocoaController.log('styleMask=' + owner.window.styleMask)
//	JSCocoaController.log('frame=' + owner.window.frame.origin.x)

	//	NIB's root objects stick around. ##TOCHECK
	//	As bundles cannot be unloaded, I suppose it's normal ?
	//	... manually releasing the window works.
//	log('nibObjects=' + nibObjects)
	if (nibObjects)
//		log('asking for nibObjects')
//		log('nibObjects=' + nibObjects)
//		log('nibObjects.length=' + nibObjects.length)
		for (var i=0; i<nibObjects.length; i++)		
//			log('killing=' + nibObjects[i] + ' retainCount=' + nibObjects[i].retainCount)
		nibObjects = null
		log('ObjC GC enabled : skipping outArgument 15 — window will stick around')

	owner = null
	path = null

	nib = null

	__jsc__.useSplitCall = useSplitCall
