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test[scripting] 030 - Iterations and arrays

"Times repeat"
(ScriptParser new parse: '3 timesRepeat: [:i| self print: #hello ,i ]') evaluate

"Block arguments"
(ScriptParser new parse: '[:i| self print: #hello ,i ] argumentCount') evaluate = 1 ifFalse: [
    self error: 'Must be 1'

"do loop"
(ScriptParser new parse: '#( 1 2 3 ) do: [:i| self print: #hello ,i ]') evaluate

"perform do"
(ScriptParser new parse: '#( 1 2 3 ) perform: #do: with: [:i| self print: #hello ,i ]') evaluate

"block evaluation"
(ScriptParser new parse: '[:i| self print: #hello ,i.12 ] value: #world') evaluate = 12 ifFalse: [
    self error: 'Must be 12'