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test[scripting] 024 - Messages to super

"Test simple messages to super"
3@4 = ((ScriptParser new parse: '  ^super changed ') evaluate: 3@4) ifFalse: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].
3@4 = (((ScriptParser for: Point) parse: ' super yourself ') evaluate: 3@4) ifFalse: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"preparing to test super reference"
! Object methodsFor: #testing !
	" Returns the cookie value for testing. "

	^#ok! !

! UndefinedObject methodsFor: #testing !
	" Returns the cookie value for testing. "

	^super myCookie ,'nil'! !

! Object methodsFor: #test !
	^super missing! !
! Point methodsFor: #test !
	^super missing! !
! Point methodsFor: #test !
	^super missing! !
! Point methodsFor: #test !
	^super missing2! !

"using #super (in UndefinedObject context)"
| ok |
ok := (ScriptParser new parse: 'self myCookie') evaluate: 12.
ok = #ok ifFalse: [ self error: 'Must be #ok not ',ok ].
ok := (ScriptParser new parse: 'self myCookie') evaluate.
ok = #oknil ifFalse: [ self error: 'Must be #oknil not ',ok ].
ok := (ScriptParser new parse: 'super myCookie') evaluate.
ok = #ok ifFalse: [ self error: 'Must be #ok. Not ',ok ].

"cleaning super test"
Object removeSelector: #myCookie.
UndefinedObject removeSelector: #myCookie.
Object removeSelector: #missing.
Point removeSelector: #missing.
Point removeSelector: #missing2.
Point removeSelector: #missing3.