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test[al8] index

Test set to validate al8 platform.

Evaluate the following expression (or scan) to run the testset

SwikiCodeRobot @> #(test al8)

Test pages

Basic functionality
NOTE: The full application is running same code as node8 platform.
We will test here the frameworks that are NOT present in node8.
Also consider that the al8 platform do not need node.js so all functionality given by node.js is not present in the app as in node8 (but has been replaced by Lua based frameworks).
Lua sockets
See more socket tests in luasocketExample.st using UI8QuickList (connected to android app)

Index chunks

The following chunks ensure the system is running in the required execution environment
"Evaluating first chunk of the test set"

(Smalltalk includesKey: #Smalltalk) ifFalse: [
    self print: 'Require s8 execution environment.'.
    self abort
Smalltalk nativeObjectAt: #luajava ifAbsent: [ "luajava not present"
    self print: 'Require al8 execution environment.'.
    self abort
(Smalltalk includesKey: #Java) ifFalse: [
    self print: 'Require Java framework.'.
    self abort
Java isValid ifFalse: [
    self print: 'Java bindings missing.'.
    self abort