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[Mobile] MobileDevice
There is a single instance of MobileDevice when the system is running.
It implement access to most of the features available in the device.
The singleton instance is accessed sending message #current to MobileDevice class.
The current MobileDevice is instance of a concrete sublass; implementing direct access to the device.
MobileDevice protocoll
- mainViewFor: (mainView - TopPane)
- screenFor: (screen - MobileScreen )
- tool:doing: (actionsBar - [Image/text]ButtonMobile)
- scaleMainViewFor:
- newWidget: aWidgetClassName
- confirm:text:action:[cancel:close:]
- dialog:text:custom:doing:[closeOnClick:]
- warning:text:doing:
- openFileAt:
- openFileAtUrl:
- openFileContents:type:version:
- configure:title:description:detail:
- sourceForImage:
- isInstalled
- name
- id
- statusBarHeight
- initializeStatusBarHeight
- units