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[objC8] Core files

Apple's toolset impose the software developer the implementation of applications to build software artifacts.
It is a model of development of the '50s where people was interested in working with closed/hidden systems exchanging "data" (pre-object technology, of the action-data paradigm and input/output systems).
Today we are still forced to following the ritual of writing/encoding an application package to be built as an "executable".
The toolset provided by Apple to define old fashioned packages/applications is Xcode. It is used for iOS, OSX, and other OS hosts made by Apple.

We publish objC8 in source form as an Xcode project.
Xcode is required to build an "executable application" that can be installed in a device provided by Apple. In most cases (i.e. iPhone, iPad), Apple give you a license to use the device (that you has bought but you DO NOT OWN) so consider the concecuences it imposes on running your systems on devices that are owned by Apple and they will not collect when the device become garbage -real garbage, broken and/or by Apple's programmed obsolescence- [you are contibuting to distribution of Apple's electronic garbage].

The Xcode project include source files to grant the boot of S8 core system inside Objective-C execution domain at startup.
The files are hand written and ocntain the minimal implementation to start the boot procedure of a S8 system.

Boot implementation

Project File
main.mMain function and AppDelegate instantiation
AppDelegate.h+mImplemementation of delegate of Apple's application model
ViewController.h+mGUI controller root
S8.image.h+mCore patches and additions to Objective-C Foundation
Snapshot.h+mSnapshot file of the S8 sytem. Generated by build from Kernel S8 files.
See build subfolder of the platform sources.
image/StSystemDictionary.h+mImplementation of SystemDictionary and smalltalk singleton instance
image/StUndefinedObject.h+mImplementation of UndefinedObject and nil singleton instance