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U8 Newsletter, Revision

Parrafo "donde dice", abajo figura correccion sugerida

It is our wish U8 not be sensed as 'just another tool' but instead a tool for re-emerging and self-determination on the future direction of Object Technology. We like to say: 'A tool for self-developing'.
We suggest to consider U8 as a smalltalk medium to reach the next level of understanding of systems under the point of view of Object Technology. We experienced that the most powerfull features of Smalltalk emerges at early stages of U8 adoption and it is a comfortable medium for self-development.

minimal tool for development on the same website
minimal tool for "in-page" development

And Headless, a modular web development,
antes, debe ir punto y aparte...

A high performance API calls mechanism, fully expressible in Smalltalk, is supported (FFI framework)
A high performance API calls mechanism is implemented at VM level and a fined grained model of foreign calls and structures (FFI framework) at smalltalk level.

What do you need to join the next meeting? Send a email to u8@smalltalking.net and smalltalking will reply with the date/time/duration confirmation of the meeting and user/password for virtual room access.
Want to join next meeting? Send an email to info@smalltalking.net to get the date/time/duration and access information to enter the virtual room.

...la imagen en U8 platforms...
podria editarse ( area inferior izquierda ) mostrando un pedacito de desktop de WI8 ?