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[chart8] Building the project

Uploaded Image: alert.gifNote that this steps are required if you want to start building your own version of the app, another (better) path to follow is to download the last version of the project and edit the project to fit your needs.This page is the residue of building the application the first time; as a log of the activity.

Steps to build chart8 as a fork of coco8 application

  1. Download the coco8 project from U8 service
  2. Decompress the project files as a new folder
  3. copy the subfolder coco8 as a new folder named chart8
  4. Rename all the places where it appears the name "coco8" to "chart8" (in fileNames or in file contents)
  5. Adapt the build folder to fit your needs
  6. Build the first version of the app with xcode to check that all is ok
  7. set application icons, screens, etc
  8. Create the pod file to include Highcharts in the project. The podfile must include
    # platform :ios, '9.0'
    target 'chart8' do
      pod 'Highcharts'
  9. Run in a console at the projects folder the command
    pod install
  10. Add Highcharts.framework (it should be under Pods/Highcharts/development) to the Frameworks folder of the project
  11. Build and Run the application to ensure all is Ok
  12. Congrats! at this point you have reached Object Technology level, so from now all your work can be at S8 level, you do not need to return to components & GUI toolset level (XCode) nor Console mode programming... start the SystemServer, open the U8 tools in your web browser from desktop, and connect to the device to change the system