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[node8-android] Instantiation of JavaObjects
Description of the algorithm used to instantiate wrappers to native objects in node8-android.
JavaObject class>>#@
Global resources:
- #ClassMap: Java class name -> s8 supporting class, mapping
Local resources:
- #cachedInstance: property of handle where supporting s8 class is cached
- delegationChain: a collection of all Java superclass names ordered from (handle #getClass #getName) to java.lang.Object), where aClassName is before than anotherClassName if aClassName is more concrete than anotherClassName
- if handle is nil then ^nil
- if (isObject: handle) then ^handle
- if (typeOf: handle#hashCode = 'undefined') then ^PoolDictionary @ handle
- if handle has a hashCode
- then
- if handle has #cachedInstance then ^aClass at handle#cachedInstance cache
- else
- choices := delegationChain removeLast ("exclude java.lang.Object")
- foundClass := nil
- for each javaClassName in choices do:
- if ClassMap includesKey: javaClassName
- then foundClass := ClassMap at: javaClassName
- else
- for each subclass of self do:
- if (subclass javaFullName = javaClassName)
- then
- foundClass := subclass
- break
- end loop
- foundClass notNil
- then
- ClassMap at: javaClassName put: foundClass. ("put found in ClassMap for next search")
- wrapper := foundClass basicNew: handle.
- put wrapper in handle#chachedInstance
- ^wrapper
- end loop
- ^" Missing s8 support for handle "