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Suggested modifications to U8, April/May 2014
Most people involved on U8 service implementation are Spanish-speaking. For simplicity we decided switch to a spanish writing. If you are english-speaking please do not hesitate to write in english. If you do not understand what is written here, please let us know sending an email to u8@smalltalking.net.
- [ Hecho ] Seccción de Brownies en la pagina principal se cambia por la seccion de Frameworks con un boton para navegar la lista de frameworks publicados. Acualmente la seccion "Brownies" dice:
Brownies. contribute with brownies. We use brownies as exchangeable resources to promote development of features. A donnor can transfer brownies to your account and you can convert your brownies to real money. You can also transfer your brownies to promote advances in development of software you need for your business. |
Texto alternativo:
Frameworks. share and maintain frameworks. We have a set of tested frameworks available to start application development w/o scaling limitations imposed by medium/low level code. We encourage U8 users to share and maintain frameworks for development with S8 in all platforms. |
- [ Hecho ] Sacar la seccion de Brownies de la pagina learnmore.aspx.
- [ Hecho] Sacar los iconos y links que hagan referencia a los Brownies.
- [ Hecho ] Nueva pagina para listar los Frameworks publicados. Cada framework esta fisicamente dentro de la carpeta de cada user profile con su nombre respectivo. Por ejemplo: ./profiles/aleReimondo/Android, alli se agregara un archivo con formato JSON nominado 'framework.json', con la informacion relevante a mostrar. Este archivo de sera definido por cada usuario autor del framework y enviado por email a u8@smalltalking.net (para alta o modificacion). El listado de frameworks se llevara a cabo caminando el arbol de carpetas, buscando dicho archivo json que especifica que informacion mostrar y si es factible de mostrarse o no. Formato sugerido sujeto a cambio:
"author":"", //nombre del autor
"avatar":"", //nombre del archivo imagen representando el frmawork localizado en el folder actual
"description":"", //descripcion del framework
"publicationDate":"", //fecha de publicacion del framework (es relevante?)
"state":"NONE",//Estado de publicacion del framework actual. Este sera listado en la pagina de frameworks si y solo si su estado es PUBLISHED
"title":"", // Tilulo/nombre del framework
"url":"", // Url apuntando a una contribucion
- [ A medias ] Cambiar el sistema de Brownies por transacciones bitcoin. Cuando los usuarios estan logoneados se debe mostrar links (un icono de bitcoin),por ej en las contribuciones, que permitan acceder a la url bitcoin wallet de un autor. Para poder acceder a dicha url, previamente se propone que el donante envie un mensaje al usuario receptor a través del servicio U8 y a continuación se expone la url correspondiente (y código QR si podemos hacerlo fácilmente). En el caso que el usuario no este logoneado al hacer click sobre el icono de bitcoin deberia pedir que el visitante se logonee. Ademas, el alta y edicion de los profiles debe permitir mantener la url bitcoin wallet. Debe indicarse claramente que el mantener la dirección bitcoin es una tarea del usuario (de modificación de datos). Si un usuario NO desea tener una dirección bitcoin, debemos informar que se presentará la dirección de smalltalking y un cartel diciendo que él acepto que las transferencias vayan a smalltalking (como parte de los términos de nuestro servicio U8). IMPORTANTE:
- debemos modificar los términos del servicio U8, ajustándolo a bitcoins
-Debemos enviar por email a todos los usuarios registrados, una nota indicando que los términos han cambiado y la dirección donde leer los nuevos terminos.
- Revisar el contenido de learnmore.aspx. En rojo oscuro el contenido propuesto:
Share smalltalk images
A platform for social development with Smalltalk. You can join this community sharing your expertice, experiences and wishes to make Smalltalk a comfortable environment to execute your objects everywhere. U8 is an open and global service capable to evolve with your contributions.
In every moment, any developer can start with a minimal S8 image customized for U8 platform. Any new development will be derived from an image, which eventually, could be the minimal S8 image for U8 or another developer's image. A new derived image is a fork (MIT License) allowing to share and learn "with" other people.
Use U8 to show the world what we can do with Smalltalk
U8 is a platform to develop, experiment and showing. Allowing to other people see what exciting things it can be done with Smalltalk, can help to create new ideas and visions on people.
Work using U8 implementing requested features
U8 is a platform that allows to work with S8. Other people using S8 can see your works and ideas and asking you for new developments or new features enhancement to any of your previous works.
Pay for the features you need to be implemented. Charge for your work in a social development network
Don't you have enough time or skill to develop a new feature? You can pay a developer for a new feature. In the same way, you can charge (with bitcoin transfers) for develop new features other people wish. Interested people can donate brownies to promote your work. Later, you can exchange your brownies to real money.
Join the experts at the top of this wave
U8 allows you to join with experts in Object Technology field. Asking, sharing and learning from people having many years' experience in Smalltalk with outstanding trajectories.
Share your resources and wishes
Share experiences and wishes with other people walking their own path too. Experiment to build, support and self-support through social development with Smalltalk.
Smalltalk is great! get involved pushing up again the Smalltalk balloon!!
Promote development of S8 Frameworks
S8 platform is the minimum set to run smalltalk on javascript execution engines. The major benefit of using S8 is not constrained to it contents. The existence of mature frameworks is the key to avoid limitations on scaling to medium sized application development. We have an interesting set of tested frameworks available to let you start application development w/o scaling limitations imposed by médium/low level code. We also want to promote the attitude of sharing tested frameworks with U8 users. We encourage U8 users to share and maintain frameworks for development with S8 in all platforms.
Bitcoin Exchenge
Contribute with bitcoins
Social development with U8 is supported by bitcon exchange. An U8 user profile can be associated with a bitcoin wallet, allowing bitcoin transfers between users. By default, Smalltalking will be the donation receiver for users with no bitcoin wallet associated.
We use bitcoin as exchangeable resources to promote development of features and goodies for U8
People interested in new features can promote development donating bitcoins. The receiver will be aware of who is donating, allowing sustainable relatioship between people. Users can transfer bitcoins to your wallet to promote dedication on the software you are working on.
You can transfer your bitcoins to promote advances in development of software you need for your business
If you don't have enough human resources to undertake a development, you can ask for new developments needed for your business.
You can promote specific developments through U8 platform.
How to contribute. Why register
In order to interact with other people, its required to be registered. As registered user, you will be allowed to publish contributions, buy and receive brownies, as well as make questions to the authors, join development groups and help to enhance the platform. As a developer, eventually you will need to define a development as "ready to be published". You can achieve this doing a "final" save image. Finished developments will be published prior confrontation to [U8] Terms of Use; this final revision process will be accomplished by Smalltalking Association.