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S8 running on MicroPython boards

Steps to S8 on your MicroPython board

  1. Prepare your PC to work with your board
  2. Test your board editing (by hand) the boot file e.g.

Experiences with a board

Steps made with the Micropython Compatible board
Stm32f405 Cortex-m4 Stm32f405rgt6

  1. connected to board with PuTTY (windows 115200baud COM4)
    check w/simple commands written by hand
  2. tested correct working of the board
    Test Passed for minimal script (5 lines of python code)
  3. Added boot.py to the main folder with name "py8Boot.py"
  4. tried to load boot
    evaluating: import py8Boot.py
    OUT of MEMORY!!!


Uploaded Image: alert.gifThe size of scripts to run is really small, and with a boot of 35kb it is going to out of memory!


I can't find a way to reduce the memory spent mapping files and increase executable memory