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Obsolete/accepted suggestions

It would be nice to have a small icon at topCenter of page, to return to the service home page (not only in the small bottom area)-

Please remove the link to parent contribution in the Contributions page.
It is easy to click on parent link when trying to click on "read more..."

Make "read more..." link on contributions page more visible (more relevant)

Make "transfer Brownies" button smaller (brownies icon?)

It would be nice if the tool do not show [Save Image], [Save & Quit] if user is not loggedOn. And.. if possible, show [Register to save image] button pointing the browser to registration page.

A [Delete] button for Draft images (in the list of owned contributions, or the page of the draft)

Make the playgound div element "visible".
Initial contents with a text explaining that it is there and a sample expression to show a text in the playground in "Frequent expressions".

Loged users, should not edit a published image. On this case, It should be always only one fork button.

[2011-12-14] On contributions page, every listed contribution should have a link referencing to the parent contribution.

It would be nice to have a new field called synopsis, for minimal image description.
Button to download current image contents.

Workspace expression to customize suggested expressions of an image.

[swiki] Put the swiki commands immidiately available with help in English
See this page - added a link on home page

REJECTEDUser repository
A file upload mechanism to upload resources with fixed URL under user folder.
The resources must be "regulated" and under terms expressed in Contributed data.
Note:not really needed, each framework and contribution have space for resources