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[History] ([console] -OBSOLETE- Building s8vm for MS Windows 32 and 64 bits (with GYP))

This document contains a history of this page, from the current version to the earliest one available.

Version   Name   User   Date   Time  
current   [console] -OBSOLETE- Building s8vm for MS Windows 32 and 64 bits (with GYP)   30 June 2017   10:54:48 am
[Console] -OBSOLETE- Building s8vm for MS Windows 32 and 64 bits (with GYP)   30 June 2017   10:53:38 am
Building s8vm for MS Windows 32 and 64 bits (with GYP)   30 June 2017   10:53:12 am
Building s8vm for MS Windows   host98.201-252-85.telecom.net.ar   24 September 2014   12:15:24 pm
Building s8vm for windows   host98.201-252-85.telecom.net.ar   24 September 2014   10:49:39 am
Building s8vm for windows   host56.201-252-29.telecom.net.ar   23 September 2014   1:38:09 pm
Building s8vm for windows   host56.201-252-29.telecom.net.ar   23 September 2014   1:31:31 pm
Building s8vm for windows   host56.201-252-29.telecom.net.ar   23 September 2014   1:20:34 pm