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[UI8] UI8Explorer

This tool is your exploring device to dive into U8 Universe.
The UI8Explorer works together with the U8 server to facilitate social interaction during S8 based development.

If you are logged on U8 site you can search for U8 users and make them friends. Also you can see their online status.
The explorer show the objects present in the [U8] U8Model framework
- Explore contributions (both your own and those of other users).
- Explore frameworks.
- Explore users.
- Make/Forget friends, and check their online status
- Browse your images/snapshots
- Detailed framework browsing & publishing
- Inspect/edit the files in your contributions
- Chat + video
Update your profile info
UI8Explorer uses a visualization metaphor based on "Cards" which are becoming ubiquitous on the web and are known to be "mobile friendly".
The explorer now relies on the following support classes:
- U8Card
- UI8UserCard
- UI8ContributionCard
- UI8FrameworkCard
Now UI8Explorer>>embedded: field delegates the editor visualization to a list of a "field" collection.
Added UI8ExplorerList>>fromField: field:
- The list can provide an external CSS for all items. The visualization of each item is delegated according to class (see new support classes above).
- UI8ExplorerList>>formattedContents is the method that generates the "Cards", obtains and concatenates the HTML and returns it.
- UI8Card>>asHTMLString is a method in an abstract superclass that returns each item structured according to #listStyle. It can be refined by subclasses so each Card visualization is different.
UI8Explorer inherits from [UI8] UI8ToolApplication.
UI8Explorer handles the following events (besides the ones inherited from the superclass):
needsTemplates | - |
needsRoots | - |
needsFieldsFor: | - |
needsEditorFor: | - |
NTH & feature requests