Selector | S8 | VSE | comment |
notImplementedYet | Yes | No | |
accept: | Yes | No | |
toString | Yes | No | |
asJavascript | Yes | No | |
asJSON | Yes | No | |
escapedCode | Yes | No | |
basicAt:ifAbsent: | Yes | No | |
basicAt:ifAbsentPut: | Yes | No | |
subclassResponsibility | Yes | No | |
subclassResponsibility: | Yes | No | |
shouldNotImplement | Yes | No | |
implementedBySubclass: | Yes | No | |
shouldNotImplement: | Yes | No | |
invalidMessage: | Yes | No | |
smalltalkErrorOf: | Yes | No | |
ifNil: | Yes | No | |
ifNil:ifNotNil: | Yes | No | |
ifNotNil: | Yes | No | |
ifNotNil:ifNil: | Yes | No | |
isNil | Yes | Yes | has different semmantics (See See Compliler's optimization map (isNil)) |
isMetaclass | Yes | No | |
isObject: | Yes | No | |
typeOf: | Yes | No | |
basicPerform:withArguments: | Yes | No | |
basicDelete: | Yes | No | |
asJson: | Yes | No | |
jsonFieldsDo:ignoring: | Yes | No | |
json | Yes | No | |
jsonExportNil | Yes | No | |
asLiteral | Yes | No | |
isCharacter | Yes | No | |
objectShallowCopy | No | Yes | |
objectDeepCopy | No | Yes | |
perform:with:with: | No | Yes | |
perform:with:with:with: | No | Yes | |
printOn: | No | Yes | |
isMetaClass | No | Yes | See S8's implementation |
= | Yes | Yes | Different semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (=)) |
== | Yes | Yes | Different semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (==)) |
~= | Yes | Yes | Different semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (=)) |
~~ | Yes | Yes | Different semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (==)) |
initialize | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
yourself | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
class | Yes | Yes | equivalent. See Compliler's optimization map (class) |
size | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
copy | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
asString | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
error: | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
implementedBySubclass | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
invalidMessage | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isKindOf: | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isMemberOf: | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isClass | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isString | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isNumber | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
isArray | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
respondsTo: | Yes | Yes | equivalent |
shallowCopy | Yes | Yes | pending review (see VSE #objectShallowCopy) |
deepCopy | Yes | Yes | pending review (see VSE #objectDeepCopy) |
perform: | Yes | Yes | S8 does not implements the expected exception in the VSE implementation that is launched in case in wich the numbers of parameters is zero |
perform:with: | Yes | Yes | S8 does not implements the expected exception in the VSE implementation that is launched in case in wich the numbers of parameters is not one |
perform:withArguments: | Yes | Yes | pending review (see S8 #basicPerform:withArguments: and the exception expected in the VSE implementation differ from S8's |
basicAt: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to differences particulary related to exception handling in VSE and semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (basicAt:)) |
instVarAt: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to exception handling in VSE compared with S8's implementation and also to the added posibility of receive a number as parameter |
instVarAt:put: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to differences in exception checking |
basicAt:put: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to differences in S8's implementation that allows the sender use any object as parameter, contrary to VSE's implementation |
printString | Yes | Yes | pending review due to close implementation |
notNil | Yes | Yes | has different semmantics (See Compliler's optimization map (notNil)) |
methodFor: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to different implementation |
doesNotUnderstand: | Yes | Yes | pending review due to similar implementation |