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sample[VSE] StReader

The StReader simulate a fileIn, but do NOT fileIn the code found in file... instead of file it in, the code is mantained in an internal representation, and matched to existing code of the system.
In case of code diferences, it is shown in a changes list.
In case of new code, it is shown in an additons pane.
Most of the times, new code can be injected in the system without risk of breaking the system.
The code canges was used for manual revision.


"File: StReader.st
    @Alejandro F. Reimondo 03/02/09
    This proyect sources are property of : Alejandro F. Reimondo
    Its use is NOT legal without written rights.
    Amenabar 3476 Piso: 2 Dto: B.
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
    Tel: (54)-1-703-5586.

ARObject subclass: #StReader
    ' contents selectedClass mustEvaluate tag '
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''.

  (Smalltalk at: #StReader) comment: ' Development -
    Class for fileIn of changes...'   !

!StReader class methods !

	"Lets the user select a file and perform fileIn on it...
	StReader fileIn.

	| dialog file |
	dialog := FileDialog new.
	file := dialog file.
	file isNil ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
	^self fileIn: file!
fileIn: aStream
	" FileIn the contents of aStream into this image.
	 aStream can be a Stream or a fileName"

	| file result |
	(aStream isKindOf: Stream) ifTrue: [
		^self fileIn: aStream as: nil

	(File exists: aStream) ifFalse: [^self error: 'File not found:',aStream].
	file := File pathName: aStream.
	[ result := self
		fileIn: file
		as: aStream fileName.
	] ensure: [ file close ].
fileIn: aStream as: tag
	" FileIn the contents of aStream into this image. "

	^self new tag: tag; fileIn: aStream!
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^super new
		yourself! !

!StReader methods !
collectMethod: aCompiledMethod into: aCollection
	" Private - Scan a collection for a method similar to aCompiledMethod,
		if found replaces it by aCompiledMethod if not add it to the collection. "

	| mth |
	1 to: aCollection size do: [:index|
		mth := aCollection at: index.
		(mth selector == aCompiledMethod selector
		and: [ mth classField == aCompiledMethod classField ])
		ifTrue: [
			^aCollection at: index put: aCompiledMethod
	^aCollection add: aCompiledMethod!
collectMethod: aCompiledMethod into: aCollection as: sourceCode
	" Private - Scan a collection for a method similar to aCompiledMethod,
		if found replaces it by aCompiledMethod if not add it at end of aCollection. "

	aCompiledMethod sourceString: sourceCode.
	^self collectMethod: aCompiledMethod into: aCollection!
evaluate: aString
	" Private - Ask the user if the code in aString must be filled in... "

	(self mustEvaluateExpression: aString) ifTrue: [ Compiler evaluate: aString ]!
fileIn: aStream
	"File in the contents of aStream into this image..."

	| cursor toBeFiledIn chunk |
	cursor := Cursor.
	CursorManager execute change.
	[aStream atEnd or: [aStream peek isSeparator not ]] whileFalse: [aStream next].
	[aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
			toBeFiledIn := aStream peekFor: $!!.
			chunk := aStream nextChunk.
				ifTrue: [ self fileIn: chunk from: aStream ]
				ifFalse: [ self evaluate: chunk ]
	self performRealFileIn.
	CursorManager normal change.!
fileIn: aString from: aFile
	" Private - Scan aString for selected class and fileIn aFile contents upTo nul chunk... "

	| stream chunk answer old |
	self getClassFrom: aString.
	[(chunk := aFile nextChunk) isEmpty]	whileFalse: [
			answer := Compiler compile: chunk in: selectedClass.
			answer notNil ifTrue: [
				old := answer isNil ifTrue: [ "do nothing" ]
					ifFalse: [ selectedClass compiledMethodAt: answer key ].
				old isNil
				ifTrue: [ self collectMethod: answer value into: contents as: chunk ]
				ifFalse: [
					(self isSource: old sourceString equalTo: chunk)
					ifFalse: [ self collectMethod: answer value into: contents as: chunk ]
fileOutMethods: aCollection into: aStream
	" Private - FileOut the sources of aCollection of methods into aStream. "

	aCollection do: [:mth|
			nextPut: $!!;
			nextPutAll: mth classField name;
			nextPutAll: 'methods !!';
			nextChunkPut: mth sourceString;
			nextPutAll: ' !!'; cr
getClassFrom: aString
	" Private - Scan aString looking for selected class... "

	| stream words |
	stream := ReadStream on: aString trimBlanks.
	words := OrderedCollection new.
	[stream atEnd] whileFalse: [words add: stream nextWord].
	words last isNil ifTrue: [words removeLast].
	words last = 'methods' ifTrue: [ words removeLast ].
	selectedClass := Smalltalk at: words first asSymbol
		ifAbsent: [ ^self error: 'Class not found : ', words first ].
	words removeFirst.
	[words isEmpty] whileFalse: [
		selectedClass := selectedClass perform: words removeFirst asSymbol

	"Private - Initializes the receiver..."

	contents := OrderedCollection new: 500.!
isSource: aString equalTo: bString
	" Private - Returns true if both source strings are equal. "

	aString = bString ifTrue: [ ^true ].	
	^self isTabbed: aString equalTo: bString!
isTabbed: aString equalTo: bString
	" Private - Returns true if both source strings are equal skipping spaces/tabs. "

	| aStream bStream |
	aStream := ReadStream on: aString.
	bStream := ReadStream on: bString.
	[	aStream countBlanks. bStream countBlanks.
		aStream atEnd ] whileFalse: [
		aStream next = bStream next ifFalse: [ ^false ].
	^bStream countBlanks; atEnd!
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"

mustEvaluate: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    mustEvaluate := anObject!
mustEvaluateExpression: expression
	" Returns true if the receiver must evaluate the expression. "

	| result |
	mustEvaluate isNil ifTrue: [
		result := MessageBox
			threeStateNotify: 'Parsing source...'
			withText: 'File in this code chunk ?\\' withCrs, expression asString.
		result isNil ifTrue: [ "cancel will set to always false"
			mustEvaluate := result := false.
	" Private - Places the compiled code... "

	| replacedMethods newMethods old header |	
	replacedMethods := OrderedCollection new: contents size.
	newMethods := OrderedCollection new: contents size.
	contents do: [:each|
		old := each classField compiledMethodAt: each selector.
		old isNil
		ifTrue: [ newMethods add: each ]
		ifFalse: [ replacedMethods add: each ]
	header := self tag isNil
		ifTrue: [ String new ]
		ifFalse: [ '[',self tag asString,'] ' ].
		promptFileIn: newMethods as: header, 'New filledIn methods';
		promptFileIn: replacedMethods as: header, 'FilledIn patches & touched methods';
promptFileIn: aCollection as: aLabel
	" Private - Prompt for the collection to be filled in... "

	| stream |
	aCollection size = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self ].
	(MessageBox confirm: 'Perform fileIn of the ',aLabel,' ?')
	ifTrue: [
		aCollection do: [:each|
			each classField
				addSelector: each selector
				withMethod: each.
			 SourceManager current
				logSource: each sourceString
				forSelector: each selector
				inClass: each classField.
		MethodBrowser new
			label: aLabel;
			openOn: aCollection asArray.
	ifFalse: [
		stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 10000).
		self fileOutMethods: aCollection into: stream.
		TextWindow new
			label: aLabel , ' sources (not filledIn Yet...)';
			openOn: stream contents
    "Returns the instance var of the receiver
     for external manipulation"
tag: anObject
    "Sets the instance var of the receiver
     with anObject. (No checking is done)"
    tag := anObject!
trimBlanks: aString
	" Private - Returns aString with leading and trailing blanks removed. "

    | size start end |
    size := aString size.
    start := 1.
    [ start <= size and: [ ( aString at: start ) isSeparator ] ] whileTrue: [ start := start + 1 ].
    end := size.
    [ end >= 1 and: [ ( aString at: end ) isSeparator ] ] whileTrue: [ end := end - 1 ].
	(aString at: end) = $$ ifTrue: [ end := end + 1 min: size ].
    ^self copyFrom: start to: end! !