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cousteau[page] dive log
The Dive Log page let the user fill a Dive Log form and summit the results to the server.
Diving Logs are customized for each region
Each region has a manual page, that explain how to log a diving experience/event.
The UI of the page must be equivalent to fill the forms in the PDF document.
"Dive Log page"
! CousteauDivers class methodsFor: #specs !
" Private - Return the page spec. "
^(#class -> #MobileEditor ),
(#configuration -> (
(#listeners -> ((#needsTitle -> [:coordinator | 'Dive Log' ]),
(#built: -> [:coordinator | coordinator--'diveLog built' ])
(#navigationBar -> (
(#right -> (#right -> [:coordinator | coordinator--'diveLog--right' ]) )
(#widgets -> (
(#theText -> (
(#type -> #textArea ),
(#configuration ->(
(#order -> 1),
(#listeners -> (
(#needsText -> ['Dive log form. needs work'] )
(#listeners -> (
(#built: -> [:coordinator | coordinator--'DiveLog page built' ])
))! !