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U8 tools

Follow this link to enter the

U8 development environment with s8-media tools

How it works

The tools are hosted by U8 Service.
It is a normal web contribution (standard U8 image) with a custom startup procedure.

During startup it loads the following frameworks:
WI8DOM based windows for S8
UI8U8 tools for Web development
SwikiRobotsSwiki robots

It is also customized with:
Post loading scriptingsee LibrariesLoaded.st
ConfigurationScan tools[configuration] Index
Note This make the tools globally customizable, if you edit the page the tool will change for all of us.

How to enter the tool with a startup expression?

The tool can be opened from any site pointing to the address of the page adding a startup expression as a doIt argument.

For example, if you want to open a workspace, you should point your link to http://u8.smalltalking.net/profile/aleReimondo/Swiki/tools/index.html?doIt=%5BUI8Workspace%20open%5DvalueDeferred%3A%20500.

The link is the result of evaluating the following code expression in a workspace:
'[UI8Workspace open]valueDeferred: 500' escaped