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test[FMDB] 004 Insert some records

| db databasePath |

        databasePath := 'Sample.sqlite' asLocalPathName.

	db := FMDatabase withPath: databasePath.
        db open ifTrue: [
		db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation'  'Adele Goldberg' 714).
		db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk, Objects, and Design'  'Chamond Liu' 289).
		db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk With Style'  'Edward Klimas' 127).
		db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns 1st Edition'  'Kent Beck' 240).
		db close. 
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