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api[apple,Foundation] methods

"API definition for core Foundation library.
Includes code that will run on both iOS and OSX execution environments."

NSObject buildGetters: #(
	description hash
	retain autorelease retainCount
NSObject buildAccessors: #(
NSObject buildBooleanGetters: #(
NSObject buildTypedGetters: #(
	#( autoContentAccessingProxy #NSObject )
NSObject buildFunctions: #(
	#( #performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: #( selector #(arg json) delay ))
	#( #performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes: #( selector #(arg json) delay modes ))
	#( #performSelectorInBackground:withObject: #( selector #(arg json) ))
	#( #performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: #( selector #(arg json) aBoolean ))
	#( #performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes: #( selector #(arg json) aBoolean modes ))

! NSObject class methodsFor: #cancelation !
cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: aTarget
	" Cancels perform requests previously registered with the #performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: "

	self nativeClass cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: aTarget handle! !

! NSObject class methodsFor: #cancelation !
cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: aTarget selector: aSelector object: anArgument
	" Cancels perform requests previously registered with the #performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: "

	self nativeClass
		cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: aTarget handle
		selector: aSelector object: anArgument handle! !

" KVC - NSKeyValueCoding Protocol
The NSKeyValueCoding informal protocol defines a mechanism by which you can access the properties of an object indirectly by name (or key),
 rather than directly through invocation of an accessor method or as instance variables.
NSObject buildFunctions: #(
	#(#dictionaryWithValuesForKeys: #(array))
	#(#mutableArrayValueForKey: #(key))
	#(#mutableArrayValueForKeyPath: #(keyPath))
	#(#mutableOrderedSetValueForKey: #(key))
	#(#mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath: #(keyPath))
	#(#mutableSetValueForKey: #(key))
	#(#mutableSetValueForKeyPath: #(keyPath))
	#(#setNilValueForKey: #(key))
	#(#setValue:forKey: #(#(value handle) key))
	#(#setValue:forKeyPath: #(#(value handle) keyPath))
	#(#setValue:forUndefinedKey: #(#(value handle) key))
	#(#setValuesForKeysWithDictionary: #( json ))
	#(#valueForKey: #(key))
	#(#valueForKeyPath: #(keyPath))
	#(#valueForUndefinedKey: #(key))

! NSObject class methodsFor: #KVC !
	" Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the key-value coding methods should access the corresponding instance variable directly on finding no accessor method for a property. "

	^(self nativeClass basicAt: #accessInstanceVariablesDirectly) = 1! !

"  Foundation Functions Reference - Functions defined by the Foundation framework.

! NSObject methodsFor: #filePaths !
searchPathForDirectories: directory
	inDomains: domainMask
	expandTilde: aBoolean
	" Returns the list of directory search paths. "

	^JSC new
		searchPathForDirectoriesInDomains: (self directoryConstant: directory)
		domainMask: (self domainMask: domainMask)
		expandTilde: aBoolean! !

! NSObject methodsFor: #filePaths !
	" Returns the documents directory path (or an empty string). "

	| list |
	list := self searchPathForDirectories: #document inDomains: #user expandTilde: true.
	^list notEmpty
		ifTrue: [ list first ]
		ifFalse: [ '' ]! !

! NSObject class methodsFor: #filePaths !
	" Returns the application's documents directory path. "

	^self new documentsDirectory! !

! NSObject methodsFor: #filePaths !
domainMask: selector
	" Private - Return the domain mask constant for selector. "

	selector isNumber ifTrue: [ ^selector ].
	selector == #all ifTrue: [ ^16rFFFF ].
	selector isString ifTrue: [
		^#( user local 3 network 5 6 7 system )
		  indexOf: selector
		  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Unknown domain mask: ',selector ]
	^selector "array of constants assumed"
	  inject: 0
	  into: [:total :each| total + each ]! !

! NSObject methodsFor: #filePaths !
directoryConstant: selector
	" Private - Return the constant for directory search. "

	selector isNumber ifTrue: [ ^selector ].
	selector == #itemReplacement ifTrue: [ ^99 ].
	selector == #allApplications ifTrue: [ ^100 ].
	selector == #allLibraries ifTrue: [ ^101 ].
	selector == #trash ifTrue: [ ^102 ].
	^#(	application
		library developer user
		documentation document
		desktop caches
		downloads inputMethods
		movies music pictures
	) indexOf: selector ifAbsent: [
		self error: 'Unknown directory search constant: ',selector
	]! !

"--- End of NSObject core foundation ----------------------------"!

NSObject subclass: #NSIndexPath!
NSIndexPath buildFunctions: #(
	#(#compare: #( #(aNSIndexPath handle) ) )
	#(#indexAtPosition: #( offset ) )

! NSIndexPath class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withIndex: index
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass indexPathWithIndex: index)! !

! NSIndexPath class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withIndexes: indexes length: length
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass indexPathWithIndexes: indexes length: length)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSSet!
NSSet buildGetters: #(
NSSet buildFunctions: #(
	#allObjects count
	#(#anyObject  #NSObject)
	#(#containsObject: #( #(aNSObject handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#filteredSetUsingPredicate: #( #(aNSPredicate handle)) #NSSet)
	#(#makeObjectsPerformSelector: #( selector ))
	#(#makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject: #( selector #(aNSObject handle)))
	#(#member: #( #(aNSObject handle)) #NSObject)
	#(#objectEnumerator  #NSEnumerator)
	#(#enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: #( #(aNSBlock handle)))
	#(#enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock: #(opts #(aNSBlock handle)))
	#(#objectsPassingTest: #( #(aNSBlock handle)) #NSSet)
	#(#objectsWithOptions:passingTest: #(opts #(aNSBlock handle)) #NSSet)
	#(#isSubsetOfSet: #(#(aNSSet handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#intersectsSet: #(#(aNSSet handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#isEqualToSet: #(#(aNSSet handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#valueForKey: #(key) #NSObject)
	#(#setValue:forKey: #( #(aValue handle) key))
	#(#sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: #( #(descriptors handles)))
	#(#addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: #( #(observer handle) keyPath options context))
	#(#removeObserver:forKeyPath:context: #( #(observer handle) keyPath context))
	#(#removeObserver:forKeyPath: #( #(observer handle) keyPath))
	#(#descriptionWithLocale: #( #(aNSLocale handle)))

! NSSet class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #set)! !

! NSSet class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withArray: anArray
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass setWithArray: anArray)! !

! NSSet class methodsFor: #instantiation !
with: aNSObject
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass setWith: aNSObject json)! !

! NSSet class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withSet: aNSSet
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass setWithSet: aNSSet json)! !

! NSSet methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the size of the receiver. "

	^self count! !

NSSet subclass: #NSMutableSet!
NSMutableSet buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addObject: #( #(aNSObject handle)))
	#(#filterUsingPredicate: #( #(aNSPredicate handle)))
	#(#removeObject: #( #(aNSObject handle)))
	#(#addObjectsFromArray: #( #(aNSArray handle)))
	#(#unionSet: #( #(aNSSet handle)))
	#(#minusSet: #( #(aNSSet handle)))
	#(#intersectSet: #( #(aNSSet handle)))
	#(#setSet: #( #(aNSSet handle)))

! NSMutableSet class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withCapacity: count
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass setWithCapacity: count)! !

NSMutableSet subclass: #NSCountedSet!
NSCountedSet buildFunctions: #(
	#(#countForObject: #( #(aNSObject handle)))

 subclass: #NSRange
 category: #Foundation!
NSRange buildNumberAccessors: #( location length )!

! NSRange class methodsFor: #instantiation !
location: location length: length
	| handle |
	handle := {'new NSRange(location,length);'}.
	^self @ handle! !

NSObject subclass: #NSAttributedString!
NSAttributedString buildFunctions: #(
	#(#attribute:atIndex:effectiveRange: #( attributeName index #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#(#attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange: #( attributeName index #(aNSRange handle) #(nsRangeLimit handle) ) )
	#(#attributedSubstringFromRange: #(#(aNSRange handle)) #NSAttributedString )
	length string

! NSAttributedString class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withString: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithString: aString)! !

! NSAttributedString class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withString: aString attributes: attributes
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithString: aString
		attributes: attributes)! !

! NSAttributedString class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withAttributedString: anAttributedString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithAttributedString: anAttributedString handle)! !

! NSAttributedString methodsFor: #copying !
attributedSubstringFromRange: aNSRange
	" Return the characters and attributes within a given range in the receiver. "

	^self class @ (self handle attributedSubstringFromRange: aNSRange handle)! !

! NSAttributedString methodsFor: #accessing !
attributesAtIndex: index effectiveRange: aNSRange
	" Return the attributes for the character at a given index. "

	^self class @ (self handle attributesAtIndex: index effectiveRange: aNSRange handle)! !

! NSAttributedString methodsFor: #query !
isEqualToAttributedString: otherString
	" Indicates whether the receiver is equal to another given attributed string. "

	^self handle isEqualToAttributedString: otherString handle! !

! NSAttributedString methodsFor: #enumerating !
enumerateAttribute: attrName inRange: enumerationRange options: opts usingBlock: aBlock
	" Executes the aBlock for the specified attribute run in the specified range.
	TODO: See - https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/cocoa/reference/foundation/classes/NSAttributedString_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000166-SW1
	enumerateAttribute:(NSString *)attrName inRange:(NSRange)enumerationRange options:(NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions)opts usingBlock:(void (^)(id value, NSRange range, BOOL *stop))block

	self error: 'Not implemented. Yet (',self class name,'>>#enumerateAttribute:inRange:options:usingBlock:)'.
	^self handle
		enumerateAttribute: attrName
		inRange: enumerationRange handle
		options: opts usingBlock: aBlock handle! !

! NSAttributedString methodsFor: #enumerating !
enumerateAttributesInRange: enumerationRange options: opts usingBlock: aBlock
	" Executes the aBlock for each attribute in the range.
	TODO: See - https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/cocoa/reference/foundation/classes/NSAttributedString_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000166-SW1
	enumerateAttributesInRange:(NSRange)enumerationRange options:(NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions)opts usingBlock:(void (^)(id value, NSRange range, BOOL *stop))block

	self error: 'Not implemented. Yet (',self class name,'>>#enumerateAttributesInRange:inRange:options:usingBlock:)'.
	^self handle
		enumerateAttributesInRange: enumerationRange handle
		options: opts usingBlock: aBlock handle! !

NSAttributedString subclass: #NSMutableAttributedString !

NSMutableAttributedString buildFunctions: #(
	#( #addAttribute:value:range: #( attributeName aValue #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #addAttributes:range: #( aNSDictionary #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #appendAttributedString: #( #(aNSAttributedString handle) ) )
	beginEditing endEditing
	#( #deleteCharactersInRange: #( #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #insertAttributedString:atIndex: #( #(aNSAttributedString handle) index ) )
	#( #removeAttribute:range: #( name #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #replaceCharactersInRange:withAttributedString: #( #(aNSRange handle) #(aNSAttributedString handle) ) )
	#( #replaceCharactersInRange:withString: #( #(aNSRange handle) aString ) )
	#( #setAttributedString: #( #(aNSAttributedString handle) ) )
	#( #setAttributes:range: #( aNSDictionary #(aNSRange handle) ) )

! NSMutableAttributedString methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Returns the character contents of the receiver as an NSMutableString object. "

	^NSMutableString @ self handle mutableString! !

NSObject subclass: #NSString!
! NSString class methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the list of the encodings support in the application’s environment. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #availableStringEncodings! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the C-string encoding assumed for any method accepting a C string as an argument. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultCStringEncoding! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #accessing !
localizedNameOfStringEncoding: encoding
	" Return the human-readable string giving the name of encoding in the current locale’s language. "

	^self nativeClass localizedNameOfStringEncoding: encoding! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #accessing !
pathWithComponents: array
	" Return a string built from the strings in a given array by concatenating them with a path separator between each pair. "

	^self nativeClass pathWithComponents: array! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfFile: path encoding: enc error: pError
	" Return a string created by reading data from the file at a given path. "

	^self nativeClass
		stringWithContentsOfFile: path
		encoding: enc
		error: pError! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfFile: path encoding: enc onError: aBlock
	" Return a string created by reading data from the file at a given path. "

	| pError result |
	pError := self outArgument.
	result := self withContentsOfFile: path encoding: enc error: pError.
	(pError basicAt: #code) isNil ifTrue: [
		^result notNil ifTrue: [ result ]
	^aBlock evaluateWith: NSError @ pError! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
	" Private - Return the encoding used for default content string. "

	^1"=NSASCIIStringEncoding 4=NSUTF8StringEncoding"! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfFile: path
	" Return a string created by reading data from the file at a given path (or nil). "

	^self withContentsOfFile: path encoding: self defaultContentEncoding! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfFile: path encoding: enc
	" Return a string created by reading data from the file at a given path (or nil). "

	^self withContentsOfFile: path encoding: enc onError: [ nil ]! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfURL: url encoding: enc error: pError
	" Return a string created by reading data from a given URL interpreted using a given encoding. "

	^self nativeClass stringWithContentsOfURL: url handle encoding: enc error: pError! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfURL: url encoding: enc
	" Return a string created by reading data from a given URL interpreted using a given encoding (or nil). "

	^self withContentsOfURL: url encoding: enc onError: [ nil ]! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfURL: path
	" Return a string created by reading data from a given URL (or nil). "

	^self withContentsOfURL: path encoding: self defaultContentEncoding! !

! NSString class methodsFor: #io !
withContentsOfURL: url encoding: enc onError: aBlock
	" Return a string created by reading data from a given URL interpreted using a given encoding. "

	| pError result |
	pError := self outArgument.
	result := self nativeClass stringWithContentsOfURL: url handle encoding: enc error: pError.
	(pError basicAt: #code) isNil ifTrue: [
		^result notNil ifTrue: [ result ]
	^aBlock evaluateWith: NSError @ pError! !

NSString subclass: #NSMutableString!
NSMutableString buildFunctions: #(
	#( #appendFormat: #( format ) )
	#( #appendString: #( string ) )
	#( #deleteCharactersInRange: #( #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #insertString:atIndex: #( string offset ) )
	#( #replaceCharactersInRange:withString: #( #(aNSRange handle) aString ) )
	#( #replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range: #( target replacement options #(aNSRange handle) ) )
	#( #setString: #( aString ) )

! NSMutableString class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withCapacity: capacity
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass stringWithCapacity: capacity)! !

! NSMutableString class methodsFor: #instantiation !
new: capacity
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass stringWithCapacity: capacity)! !

! NSMutableString methodsFor: #accessing !
string: aString
	" Set the contents of the receiver with aString. "

	self handle setString: aString.
	^aString! !

! NSMutableString methodsFor: #accessing !
contents: aString
	" Set the contents of the receiver with aString. "

	^self string: aString! !

NSObject subclass: #NSThread!

! NSThread ignoreFileInUpTo: #NSThreadIGNORED !

NSThread buildBooleanGetters: #(
	isCancelled isExecuting isFinished isMainThread
NSThread buildAccessors: #(
	name stackSize threadPriority
NSThread buildFunctions: #(
	cancel main start

! NSThread class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #mainThread)! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentThread)! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #stack !
	" Returns an array containing the call stack return addresses. "

	| result |
	result := (self nativeClass basicAt: #callStackReturnAddresses).
	result isNil ifTrue: [ ^#() ].
	^result! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #stack !
	" Returns an array containing the call stack symbols. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #callStackSymbols! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #stack !
detachNewThreadSelector: aSelector toTarget: aTarget withObject: anArgument
	" Detaches a new thread and uses the specified selector as the thread entry point. "

	^self nativeClass
		detachNewThreadSelector: aSelector
		toTarget: aTarget json
		withObject: anArgument json! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #query !

	^(self nativeClass basicAt: #isMainThread) = 1! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #query !

	^(self nativeClass basicAt: #isMultiThreaded) = 1! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #accessing !
setThreadPriority: priority

	^self nativeClass setThreadPriority: priority! !

! NSThread class methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #threadPriority! !

We skip this methods. Enable them if you need in your system

! NSThread class methodsFor: #threading !
sleepForTimeInterval: duration

	^self nativeClass sleepForTimeInterval: duration! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURL!
NSURL buildGetters: #(
	absoluteString fragment host
	lastPathComponent parameterString
	password path pathComponents
	pathExtension query
	relativePath relativeString
	resourceSpecifier scheme user
NSURL buildNumberGetters: #(
NSURL buildBooleanGetters: #(
	isFileReferenceURL isFileURL
NSURL buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(absoluteURL #NSURL)
	#(baseURL #NSURL)
	#(filePathURL #NSURL)
	#(fileReferenceURL #NSURL)
	#(standardizedURL #NSURL)
NSURL buildFunctions: #(
	#(#isEqual: #(#(anObject handle)) #Boolean)

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withPath: path
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileURLWithPath: path)! !

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withPath: path isDirectory: aBoolean
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileURLWithPath: path isDirectory: aBoolean)! !

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withPathComponents: anArray
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileURLWithPathComponents: anArray)! !

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withString: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

"self print: '//' ,aString.
"	^self @ (self nativeClass #URLWithString: aString)! !

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withString: aString relativeToURL: baseURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass #URLWithString: aString relativeToURL: baseURL handle)! !

! NSURL class methodsFor: #instantiation !
@ aHandle
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	((self isObject: aHandle) and: [ aHandle isString ]) ifTrue: [
		^self withString: aHandle
	^super @ aHandle! !

! NSURL methodsFor: #converting !
	" Return an NSURL instance from the receiver. "

	^self! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-converting' !
	" Return an NSURL instance from the receiver. "

	^NSURL withString: '',self! !
NSObject subclass: #NSURLRequest!
NSURLRequest buildGetters: #(
	allHTTPHeaderFields #HTTPMethod
NSURLRequest buildNumberGetters: #(
NSURLRequest buildBooleanGetters: #(
	#HTTPShouldUsePipelining #HTTPShouldHandleCookies 
NSURLRequest buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSURLRequest buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(mainDocumentURL #NSURL)
	#(#HTTPBody #NSData)
	#(#HTTPBodyStream #NSInputStream)
NSURLRequest buildFunctions: #(
	#(#isEqual: #(#(anObject handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#valueForHTTPHeaderField: #(field))

! NSURLRequest class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: theURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass requestWithURL: theURL handle)! !

! NSURLRequest class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: theURL cachePolicy: policy timeoutInterval: interval
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		requestWithURL: theURL handle
		cachePolicy: policy
		timeoutInterval: interval)! !

NSURLRequest subclass: #NSMutableURLRequest!
NSMutableURLRequest buildSetters: #(
	allHTTPHeaderFields #HTTPMethod
NSMutableURLRequest buildSetters: #(
	#HTTPShouldUsePipelining #HTTPShouldHandleCookies
NSMutableURLRequest buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(mainDocumentURL #NSURL)
	#(#HTTPBody #NSData)
	#(#HTTPBodyStream #NSInputStream)
NSMutableURLRequest buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addValue:forHTTPHeaderField: #(value field))
	#(#setValue:forHTTPHeaderField: #(value field))

NSObject subclass: #NSURLSession!
NSURLSession buildAccessors: #(
NSURLSession buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(delegate #NSObject)
	#(configuration #NSURLSessionConfiguration)
	#(delegateQueue #NSOperationQueue)
NSURLSession buildFunctions: #(
	#(#dataTaskWithURL: #(#(url handle)) #NSURLSessionDataTask)
	#(#dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler: #( #(url handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionDataTask)
	#(#dataTaskWithRequest: #(#(request handle)) #NSURLSessionDataTask)
	#(#dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler: #( #(request handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionDataTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithURL: #(#(url handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithURL:completionHandler: #( #(url handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithRequest: #(#(request handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithRequest:completionHandler: #( #(request handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithResumeData: #(#(data handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#downloadTaskWithResumeData:completionHandler: #( #(data handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionDownloadTask)
	#(#uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData: #(#(request handle) #(data handle)) #NSURLSessionUploadTask)
	#(#uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData:completionHandler: #(#(request handle) #(data handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionUploadTask)
	#(#uploadTaskWithRequest:fromFile: #(#(request handle) #(url handle)) #NSURLSessionUploadTask)
	#(#uploadTaskWithRequest:fromFile:completionHandler: #(#(request handle) #(data handle) #(handler handle)) #NSURLSessionUploadTask)
	#(#uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest: #(#(request handle)) #NSURLSessionUploadTask)
	#(#streamTaskWithHostName:port: #(hostName port) #NSURLSessionStreamTask)
	#(#streamTaskWithNetService: #(#(service handle)) #NSURLSessionStreamTask)
	#(#flushWithCompletionHandler: #(#(handler handle)) )
	#(#getTasksWithCompletionHandler: #(#(handler handle)) )
	#(#resetWithCompletionHandler: #(#(handler handle)) )

! NSURLSession class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withConfiguration: configuration
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass sessionWithConfiguration: configuration handle)! !

! NSURLSession class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withConfiguration: configuration
	delegate: delegate
	delegateQueue: queue
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass 
		sessionWithConfiguration: configuration handle 
		delegate: delegate handle 
		delegateQueue: queue handle)! !

! NSURLSession class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return a Singleton instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #sharedSession)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURLSessionConfiguration!
NSURLSessionConfiguration comment: '
	Defines the behavior and policies to use when uploading and downloading data using an NSURLSession object.
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildGetters: #(
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildNumberAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildIsBooleanAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionConfiguration buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(#HTTPCookieStorage #NSHTTPCookieStorage)
	#(#TLSMaximumSupportedProtocol #SSLProtocol)
	#(#TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol #SSLProtocol)
	#(#URLCredentialStorage #NSURLCredentialStorage)
	#(#URLCache #NSURLCache)

! NSURLSessionConfiguration class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return a Singleton instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultSessionConfiguration)! !

! NSURLSessionConfiguration class methodsFor: #instantiation !
backgroundWithIdentifier: anString
	" Return an instance of the receiver for background tasks. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier: anString)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURLSessionTask!
NSURLSessionTask comment: ' Model of a task in a URL session. '!
NSURLSessionTask buildFunctions: #(
NSURLSessionTask buildAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionTask buildGetters: #(
NSURLSessionTask buildNumberAccessors: #(
NSURLSessionTask buildNumberGetters: #(
NSURLSessionTask buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(currentRequest #NSURLRequest )
	#(originalRequest #NSURLRequest )
	#(response #NSURLResponse )
	#(error #NSError )

NSURLSessionTask subclass: #NSURLSessionDataTask!
NSURLSessionDataTask subclass: #NSURLSessionUploadTask!

NSURLSessionTask subclass: #NSURLSessionDownloadTask!
NSURLSessionDownloadTask buildFunctions: #(
	#(#cancelByProducingResumeData: #( #(aCompletionHandler handle) ) )

NSURLSessionTask subclass: #NSURLSessionStreamTask!
NSURLSessionStreamTask buildFunctions: #(
	closeRead closeWrite
	startSecureConnection stopSecureConnection
	#(#readDataOfMinLength:maxLength:timeout:completionHandler: #(minBytes maxBytes timeout #(completionHandler handle)))
	#(#writeData:timeout:completionHandler: #(#(aNSData handle) timeout #(completionHandler handle)))

NSObject subclass: #NSBundle!
NSBundle comment: '
	An NSBundle object represents a location in the file system that groups code and resources that can be used in a program.
NSBundle buildBooleanGetters: #(
	isLoaded load unload
NSBundle buildGetters: #(
NSBundle buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(appStoreReceiptURL #NSURL)
	#(builtInPlugInsURL #NSURL)
	#(bundleURL #NSURL)
	#(executableURL #NSURL)
	#(privateFrameworksURL #NSURL)
	#(resourceURL #NSURL)
	#(sharedFrameworksURL #NSURL)
	#(sharedSupportURL #NSURL)
NSBundle buildFunctions: #(
	#(#localizedStringForKey:value:table: #( key value tableName ) )
	#(#pathForAuxiliaryExecutable: #( executableName ) )
	#(#pathForResource:ofType: #( name extension ) )
	#(#pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory: #( name extension subpath ) )
	#(#pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization: #( name extension subpath localizationName ) )
	#(#pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory: #( extension subpath ) )
	#(#pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:forLocalization: #( extension subpath localizationName ) )

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Returns an array of all the application’s non-framework bundles. "

	^(self nativeClass basicAt: #allBundles) collect: [:each| self @ each ]! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Returns an array of all the application’s framework bundles. "

	^(self nativeClass basicAt: #allFrameworks) collect: [:each| self @ each ]! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #mainBundle)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forClass: objCclass
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	(self isObject: objCclass) ifrue: [
		^self forClass: objCclass nativeClass
	^self @ (self nativeClass bundleForClass: objCclass)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withIdentifier: identifier
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass bundleWithIdentifier: identifier)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withPath: fullPath
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass bundleWithPath: fullPath)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: aDirectoryURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass bundleWithURL: aDirectoryURL handle)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
pathForResource: name ofType: extension inDirectory: bundlePath
	" Returns the full pathname for the resource file identified by the specified name and extension and residing in a given bundle directory. "

	^self nativeClass
		pathForResource: name
		ofType: extension
		inDirectory: bundlePath! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
pathForResource: name inDirectory: bundlePath
	" Returns the full pathname for the resource file identified by the specified name, residing in a given bundle directory (or nil). "

	^self	pathForResource: name
		ofType: ''
		inDirectory: bundlePath! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
pathsForResourcesOfType: extension inDirectory: bundlePath
	" Returns an array containing the pathnames for all bundle resources having the specified extension and residing in the bundle directory at the specified path. "

	^self nativeClass
		pathsForResourcesOfType: extension
		inDirectory: bundlePath! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
pathsForResourcesInDirectory: bundlePath
	" Returns an array containing the pathnames for all bundle resources having the specified extension and residing in the bundle directory at the specified path. "

	^self	pathsForResourcesOfType: ''
		inDirectory: bundlePath! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
preferredLocalizationsFromArray: localizationsArray
	" Returns one or more localizations from the specified list that a bundle object would use to locate resources for the current user. "

	^self nativeClass preferredLocalizationsFromArray: localizationsArray! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
preferredLocalizationsFromArray: localizationsArray forPreferences: preferencesArray
	" Returns one or more localizations from the specified list that a bundle object would use to locate resources for the current user and user preference. "

	^self nativeClass
		preferredLocalizationsFromArray: localizationsArray
		 forPreferences: preferencesArray! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
urlForResource: name withExtension: ext subdirectory: subpath inBundleWithURL: bundleURL
	" Creates and returns a file URL for the resource with the specified name and extension in the specified bundle. "

	^NSURL @ (self nativeClass
		#URLForResource: name
		withExtension: ext
		subdirectory: subpath
		inBundleWithURL: bundleURL handle)! !

! NSBundle class methodsFor: #fileSystem !
urlsForResourcesWithExtension: ext subdirectory: subpath inBundleWithURL: bundleURL

	^(self nativeClass
		#URLsForResourcesWithExtension: ext
		subdirectory: subpath
		inBundleWithURL: bundleURL handle)
		collect: [:each| NSURL @ each ]! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
objectForInfoDictionaryKey: key

	^NSObject @ (self handle objectForInfoDictionaryKey: key)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
pathForResource: name

	^self pathForResource: name ofType: ''! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
pathForResource: name inDirectory: subpath

	^self pathForResource: name ofType: '' inDirectory: subpath! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
pathForResource: name inDirectory: subpath forLocalization: localizationName

	^self	pathForResource: name
		ofType: ''
		inDirectory: subpath
		forLocalization: localizationName! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForAuxiliaryExecutable: executableName

	^NSURL @ (self handle #URLForAuxiliaryExecutable: executableName)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name withExtension: extension

	^NSURL @ (self handle #URLForResource: name withExtension: extension)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name 

	^self urlForResource: name withExtension: ''! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name withExtension: extension subdirectory: subpath

	^NSURL @ (self handle #URLForResource: name withExtension: extension subdirectory: subpath)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name subdirectory: subpath

	^self	urlForResource: name
		withExtension: ''
		subdirectory: subpath! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name withExtension: extension
 subdirectory: subpath localization: localizationName

	^NSURL @ (self handle
		#URLForResource: name
		withExtension: extension
		subdirectory: subpath
		localization: localizationName)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlForResource: name subdirectory: subpath localization: localizationName

	^self	urlForResource: name
		withExtension: ''
		subdirectory: subpath
		localization: localizationName! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlsForResourcesWithExtension: extension
 subdirectory: subpath localization: localizationName

	^NSURL @ (self handle
		#URLsForResourcesWithExtension: extension
		subdirectory: subpath
		localization: localizationName)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlsForResourcesWithExtension: extension subdirectory: subpath

	^NSURL @ (self handle
		#URLsForResourcesWithExtension: extension
		subdirectory: subpath)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlsForResourcesWithExtension: extension
 subdirectory: subpath localization: localizationName

	^NSURL @ (self handle
		#URLsForResourcesWithExtension: extension
		subdirectory: subpath
		localization: localizationName)! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlsForResourcesIn: subpath

	^self	urlsForResourcesWithExtension: ''
		subdirectory: subpath! !

! NSBundle methodsFor: #accessing !
urlsForResourcesIn: subpath localization: localizationName

	^self	urlsForResourcesWithExtension: ''
		subdirectory: subpath
		localization: localizationName! !

NSObject subclass: #NSCache!
NSCache comment: '
	An NSCache object is a collection-like container, or cache, that stores key-value pairs, similar to the NSDictionary class.
NSCache buildAccessors: #(
NSCache buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(delegate #NSObject)
NSCache buildNumberAccessors: #(
	countLimit totalCostLimit
NSCache buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSCache buildFunctions: #(
	#(#objectForKey: #(key))
	#(#setObject:forKey: #(object key))
	#(#setObject:forKey:cost: #(object key anInteger))
	#(#removeObjectForKey: #(key))

! NSCache methodsFor: #accessing !
at: aKey
	^self objectForKey: aKey! !

! NSCache methodsFor: #accessing !
at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock
	| result |
	result := self objectForKey: aKey.
	^result isNil
		ifTrue: [ aBlock evaluate ]
		ifFalse: [ result ]! !

! NSCache methodsFor: #remove !
removeKey: aKey
	^self removeObjectForKey: aKey! !

! NSCache methodsFor: #accessing !
at: aKey put: aNSObject
	^self setObject: aNSObject forKey: aKey! !

NSObject subclass: #NSCachedURLResponse!
NSCachedURLResponse comment: '
	An NSCachedURLResponse object represents a cached response to a URL request.
NSCachedURLResponse buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(data #NSData)
	#(response #NSURLResponse)
NSCachedURLResponse buildGetters: #(

! NSCachedURLResponse class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withResponse: response data: data
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithResponse: response handle
		data: data json)! !

! NSCachedURLResponse class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withResponse: response
	data: data
	userInfo: userInfo
	storagePolicy: storagePolicy
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithResponse: response handle
		data: data json
		userInfo: userInfo json
		storagePolicy: storagePolicy)! !

	subclass: #NSFileHandle
	category: #Foundation!

NSFileHandle buildNumberGetters: #(
	offsetInFile seekToEndOfFile
NSFileHandle buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(#availableData #NSData)
NSFileHandle buildFunctions: #(
	#(#readDataToEndOfFile #NSData)
	#(#readDataOfLength: #(numberOfBytes) #NSData)
	#(#writeData: #(#(data json)) )
	#(#acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: #(modes) )
	#(#readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: #(modes) )
	#(#readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: #(modes) )
	#(#waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: #(modes) )
	#(#seekToFileOffset: #(offset))
	closeFile synchronizeFile
	#(#truncateFileAtOffset: #(offset))
NSFileHandle buildSetters: #(

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forReadingAtPath: path
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading the file, device, or named socket at the specified path. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileHandleForReadingAtPath: path)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forReadingFromURL: aNSURL error: pError
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		fileHandleForReadingFromURL: aNSURL handle
		error: pError)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forReadingFromURL: aNSURL onError: aBlock
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL.
	Or the result of evaluating aBlock with the error.

	| pError result |
	pError := self outArgument.
	result := self forReadingFromURL: aNSURL error: pError.
	(pError basicAt: #code) isNil ifTrue: [
		^result notNil ifTrue: [ result ]
	^aBlock evaluateWith: NSError @ pError! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forWritingAtPath: path
	" Returns a file handle initialized for writing to the file, device, or named socket at the specified path. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileHandleForWritingAtPath: path)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forWritingFromURL: aNSURL error: pError
	" Returns a file handle initialized for writing the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		fileHandleForWritingFromURL: aNSURL handle
		error: pError)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forWritingFromURL: aNSURL onError: aBlock
	" Returns a file handle initialized for writing the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL.
	Or the result of evaluating aBlock with the error.

	| pError result |
	pError := self outArgument.
	result := self forWritingFromURL: aNSURL error: pError.
	(pError basicAt: #code) isNil ifTrue: [
		^result notNil ifTrue: [ result ]
	^aBlock evaluateWith: NSError @ pError! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forUpdatingAtPath: path
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading and writing to the file, device, or named socket at the specified path. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath: path)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forUpdatingURL: aNSURL error: pError
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading and writing the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		fileHandleForUpdatingURL: aNSURL handle
		error: pError)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forUpdatingURL: aNSURL onError: aBlock
	" Returns a file handle initialized for reading and writing the file, device, or named socket at the specified URL.
	Or the result of evaluating aBlock with the error.

	| pError result |
	pError := self outArgument.
	result := self forUpdatingURL: aNSURL error: pError.
	(pError basicAt: #code) isNil ifTrue: [
		^result notNil ifTrue: [ result ]
	^aBlock evaluateWith: NSError @ pError! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Returns the file handle associated with the standard error file. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #fileHandleWithStandardError)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Returns the file handle associated with the standard input file. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #fileHandleWithStandardInput)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Returns the file handle associated with the standard output file. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #fileHandleWithStandardOutput)! !

! NSFileHandle class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Returns the file handle associated with a null device. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #fileHandleWithNullDevice)! !

! NSFileHandle methodsFor: #actions !
	" Close the receiver. "

	^self closeFile! !

! NSFileHandle methodsFor: #actions !
	" Synchronize the receiver. "

	^self synchronizeFile! !

! NSFileHandle methodsFor: #actions !
	" Puts the file pointer at the end of the file referenced by the receiver and returns the new file offset. "

	^self seekToEndOfFile! !

! NSFileHandle methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Returns the position of the file pointer within the file represented by the receiver. "

	^self offsetInFile! !

NSObject subclass: #NSFileManager!
NSFileManager comment: '
	An NSFileManager object lets you examine the contents of the file system and make changes to it.
NSFileManager buildGetters: #(
NSFileManager buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(delegate #NSObject)
NSFileManager buildFunctions: #(
	#(#attributesOfFileSystemForPath:error: #(path pError) #PoolDictionary)
	#(#attributesOfItemAtPath:error: #(path pError) #PoolDictionary)
	#(#changeCurrentDirectoryPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#componentsToDisplayForPath: #(path) #NSArray)
	#(#contentsAtPath: #(path) #NSData)
	#(#contentsEqualAtPath:andPath: #(path1 path2) #Boolean)
	#(#contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error: #(path pError) #NSArray)
	#(#contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:error: #( #(url handle) keys mask pError) #NSArray)
	#(#copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: #(srcPath dstPath pError) #Boolean)
	#(#copyItemAtURL:toURL:error: #( #(src handle) #(dst handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: #(path createIntermediates attributes pError) #Boolean)
	#(#createDirectoryAtURL:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: #( #(url handle) createIntermediates attributes pError) #Boolean)
	#(#createFileAtPath:contents:attributes: #(path contents attributes) #Boolean)
	#(#createSymbolicLinkAtPath:withDestinationPath:error: #(path destPath pError) #Boolean)
	#(#createSymbolicLinkAtURL:withDestinationURL:error: #( #(url handle) #(destURL handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath:error: #(path pError))
	#(#displayNameAtPath: #(path))
	#(#evictUbiquitousItemAtURL:error: #( #(url handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#fileExistsAtPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#getRelationship:ofDirectoryAtURL:toItemAtURL:error: #( pOutRelationship #(directoryURL handle) #(otherURL handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#getRelationship:ofDirectory:inDomain:toItemAtURL:error: #( pOutRelationship #(directory handle) domainMask #(otherURL handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#isDeletableFileAtPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#isExecutableFileAtPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#isReadableFileAtPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#isUbiquitousItemAtURL: #(#(url handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#isWritableFileAtPath: #(path) #Boolean)
	#(#linkItemAtPath:toPath:error: #(srcPath dstPath pError) #Boolean)
	#(#linkItemAtURL:toURL:error: #( #(srcURL handle) #(dstURL handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#moveItemAtPath:toPath:error: #(srcPath dstPath pError) #Boolean)
	#(#moveItemAtURL:toURL:error: #( #(src handle) #(dst handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys:options: #(propertyKeys options) #NSArray)
	#(#removeItemAtPath:error: #(srcPath pError) #Boolean)
	#(#removeItemAtURL:error: #( #(src handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error: #( #(originalItemURL handle) #(newItemURL handle) backupItemName options pNSURL pError) #Boolean)
	#(#setAttributes:ofItemAtPath:error: #(attributes path pError) #Boolean)
	#(#setUbiquitous:itemAtURL:destinationURL:error: #( aBoolean #(url handle) #(destinationURL handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL:error: #( #(url handle) pError) #Boolean)
	#(#subpathsAtPath: #(path) #NSArray)
	#(#subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error: #(path pError) #NSArray)
	#(#trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: #( #(url handle) pOutResultingURL pError) #Boolean)

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultManager)! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self defaultManager! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #accessing !
attributesOfFileSystemForPath: path

	^self attributesOfFileSystemForPath: path error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #accessing !
attributesOfItemAtPath: path

	^self attributesOfItemAtPath: path error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #accessing !
containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: identifier

	^NSURL @ (self handle containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: identifier)! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #accessing !
contentsOfDirectoryAtPath: path

	^self contentsOfDirectoryAtPath: path error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #accessing !
contentsOfDirectoryAtURL: url includingPropertiesForKeys: keys options: mask

	^self	contentsOfDirectoryAtURL: url
		includingPropertiesForKeys: keys
		options: mask error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
copyItemAtPath: src toPath: dst

	^self copyItemAtPath: src toPath: dst error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
copyItemAtURL: src toURL: dst

	^self copyItemAtURL: src toURL: dst error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
createDirectoryAtPath: path
	withIntermediateDirectories: createIntermediates
	attributes: attributes

	^self	createDirectoryAtPath: path
		withIntermediateDirectories: createIntermediates
		attributes: attributes error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
createDirectoryAtURL: url
	withIntermediateDirectories: createIntermediates
	attributes: attributes

	^self	createDirectoryAtURL: url
		withIntermediateDirectories: createIntermediates
		attributes: attributes error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
createSymbolicLinkAtPath: path withDestinationPath: destPath

	^self	createSymbolicLinkAtPath: path
		withDestinationPath: destPath
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
createSymbolicLinkAtURL: url withDestinationURL: destURL

	^self	createSymbolicLinkAtURL: url
		withDestinationURL: destURL
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath: path

	^self	destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath: path
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
evictUbiquitousItemAtURL: url

	^self	evictUbiquitousItemAtURL: url
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
linkItemAtPath: srcPath toPath: dstPath

	^self	linkItemAtPath: srcPath toPath: dstPath
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
linkItemAtURL: srcURL toURL: dstURL

	^self	linkItemAtURL: srcURL toURL: dstURL
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys: propertyKeys options: options

	^(self handle
		mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys: propertyKeys
		options: options) collect: [:each| NSURL @ each ]! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
moveItemAtPath: src toPath: dst

	^self moveItemAtPath: src toPath: dst error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
moveItemAtURL: src toURL: dst

	^self moveItemAtURL: src toURL: dst error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
removeItemAtPath: src

	^self removeItemAtPath: src error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
removeItemAtURL: src

	^self removeItemAtURL: src error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
setAttributes: attributes ofItemAtPath: src

	^self setAttributes: attributes ofItemAtPath: src error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
setUbiquitous: aBoolean itemAtURL: url destinationURL: destinationURL

	^self	setUbiquitous: aBoolean
		itemAtURL: url
		destinationURL: destinationURL
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL: url

	^self	startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL: url
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager methodsFor: #actions !
subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath: path

	^self	subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath: path
		error: nil json! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #hooks !
	" Private - Install native iOS hooks. "

	[:fileName| | result |
		result := self xmlHttpRequest: fileName.
		result isNil
			ifTrue: [ fileName fileOrURLContents ]
			ifFalse: [ result ]
	] installAs: #read.
	[:fileName :aString :mode |
		self output: aString toFile: fileName asLocalPathName mode: mode
	] installAs: #fileWrite.
	[:status | self error: 'iOS applications cant quit.' ] installAs: #quit.
	[:fileName| # #eval: fileName fileContents ] installAs: #load.! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #io !
xmlHttpRequest: url
	" Private - Return contents read at url String (or nil). "

	| xmlhttp request |
	xmlhttp := Smalltalk at: #XMLHttpRequest ifAbsent: [
		"self print: 'Missing XMLHttpRequest support'."
	request := xmlhttp new.
	request open: #GET url: url async: false; send.
	^request status = 200 ifTrue: [ request responseText ] ! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return true if the receiver can specify local pathName. "

	^((self upTo: $/) includes: $:) not! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return the receiver as a local pathName. "

	self first = $/ ifTrue: [ ^'' ,self ].
	^NSObject documentsDirectory ,$/ ,self! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #io !
output: aString toFile: localPathName mode: mode
	" Private - Set the contents of the file at localPathName (or nil). "

	mode = #ab ifTrue: [
		^JSCocoa current append: aString toFile: localPathName
	^JSCocoa current output: aString toFile: localPathName! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #io !
output: aString toFile: localPathName
	" Private - Set the contents of the file at localPathName (or nil). "

	^self output: aString toFile: localPathName mode: #wb! !

! NSFileManager class methodsFor: #io !
fileContents: aPathName
	" Private - Return the contents of the file at aPathName (or nil). "

	| path result |
	path := (aPathName includes: $/)
		ifFalse: [ NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource: aPathName ]
		ifTrue: [ aPathName ].
	path isNil ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
	result := NSString withContentsOfFile: path.
	^result notNil ifTrue: [ result toString ]! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return the contents of file stored at fileName given by the receiver.
	Return nil if the file do not exist.

	Smalltalk nativeObjectAt: #__jsc__ ifAbsent: [ ^# #read: self ].
	self isLocalPathName ifTrue: [ ^NSFileManager fileContents: self asLocalPathName ].
	^# #read: self! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return the contents at URL given by the receiver.
	Return nil if the resource do not exist or API not available.

	| result |
	Smalltalk nativeObjectAt: #__jsc__ ifAbsent: [ ^nil ].
	result := NSString withContentsOfURL: self asNSURL.
	^result notNil ifTrue: [ result toString ]! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return true if the receiver is considered an URL address. "

	| protocoll |
	protocoll := ((self upTo: $/) upTo: $:) asLowercase.
	^#( #http #https ) includes: protocoll! !

! String methodsFor: 'Foundation-io' !
	" Return the contents at the receiver (an URL or fileName).
	Return nil if the resource do not exist or API not available.

	^self isURLAddress
		ifTrue: [ self urlContents ]
		ifFalse: [ self fileContents ]! !

NSObject subclass: #NSError!
NSError buildGetters: #(
	domain userInfo
NSError buildNumberGetters: #(
NSError buildTypedGetters: #(
	#( recoveryAttempter #NSObject )
! NSError class methodsFor: #instantiation !
errorWithDomain: domain code: code userInfo: userInfo
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		errorWithDomain: domain
                           code: code
                       userInfo: userInfo json)! !

! NSError class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withDomain: domain code: code userInfo: userInfo
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithDomain: domain
                           code: code
                       userInfo: userInfo json)! !

! NSError methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the description of the receiver. "

	^'[',self code,'] ',self localizedDescription! !

NSObject subclass: #NSDate!
NSDate buildFunctions: #(
	#(#isEqualToDate: #(#(aNSDate handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#earlierDate: #(#(aNSDate handle)) #NSDate)
	#(#laterDate: #(#(aNSDate handle)) #NSDate)
	#(#compare: #(#(aNSDate handle)))
	#(#timeIntervalSinceDate: #(#(aNSDate handle)))
	#(#dateByAddingTimeInterval: #(seconds) #NSDate)
	#(#descriptionWithLocale: #(#(aNSLocale handle)))
! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #date)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #constants !

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #distantFuture)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #distantPast)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: seconds
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: seconds)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
dateWithTimeInterval: seconds sinceDate: aNSDate
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dateWithTimeInterval: seconds
		sinceDate: aNSDate handle)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: seconds
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: seconds)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: seconds
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: seconds)! !

! NSDate class methodsFor: #instantiation !
fromDateTime: aDateTime
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	interval := aDateTime asMilliseconds * 0.001.
	^self dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: interval! !

! NSDate methodsFor: #converting !
	" Return a DataTime instance representing the same date and time as the receiver"

	^DateTime new: self timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000 ! !

NSObject subclass: #NSBlock!
NSObject subclass: #NSOperation!
NSOperation buildAccessors: #(
	name qualityOfService queuePriority
NSOperation buildFunctions: #(
	start main cancel waitUntilFinished
	#(#addDependency: #(#(operation handle)))
	#(#removeDependency: #(#(operation handle)))
NSOperation buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(completionBlock #NSBlock)
NSOperation buildBooleanGetters: #(
	cancelled executing finished
	concurrent asynchronous

! NSOperation methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self handle dependencies collect: [:each| NSOperation @ each ]! !

NSOperation subclass: #NSBlockOperation!
NSBlockOperation buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addExecutionBlock: #(#(block handle)))

! NSBlockOperation class methodsFor: #instantiation !
blockOperationWithBlock: block
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass blockOperationWithBlock: block handle)! !

! NSBlockOperation methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self handle executionBlocks collect: [:each| NSBlockOperation @ each ]! !

NSObject subclass: #NSOperationQueue!
NSOperationQueue buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addOperation: #(#(operation handle)))
	#(#addOperations:waitUntilFinished: #(#(operations handles) wait))
	#(#addOperationWithBlock: #(#(block handle)))
NSOperationQueue buildGetters: #(
NSOperationQueue buildNumberAccessors: #(
NSOperationQueue buildAccessors: #(

! NSOperationQueue methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self handle operations collect: [:each| NSOperation @ each ]! !

! NSOperationQueue class methodsFor: #instantiation !
with: operation
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self instance
		addOperation: operation;
		yourself! !

! NSOperationQueue class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentQueue)! !

! NSOperationQueue class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #mainQueue)! !

! NSOperationQueue class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentQueue)! !

! NSOperationQueue class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #mainQueue)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSArray!
NSArray buildGetters: #(
NSArray buildNumberGetters: #(
NSArray buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(firstObject #NSObject)
	#(lastObject #NSObject)
	#(sortedArrayHint #NSData)
	#(#objectEnumerator #NSEnumerator)
	#(#reverseObjectEnumerator #NSEnumerator)
NSArray buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: #(#(observer handle) keyPath options pContext))
	#(#addObserver:toObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:options:context: #(#(observer handle) #(indexes handle) keyPath options pContext))
	#(#arrayByAddingObject: #(#(aNSObject handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: #(#(aNSArray handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: #( #(block handle) ))
	#(#containsObject: #(#(aNSObject handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#componentsJoinedByString: #(separator))
	#(#descriptionWithLocale: #(#(locale handle)))
	#(#descriptionWithLocale:indent: #(#(locale handle) level))
	#(#firstObjectCommonWithArray: #(#(aNSArray handle)) #NSObject)
	#(#fileteredArrayUsingPredicate: #(#(predicate handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#indexOfObject: #(#(anNSObject handle)) )
	#(#indexOfObject:inRange: #(#(anNSObject handle) #(aNSRange handle)) )
	#(#indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: #(#(anNSObject handle)) )
	#(#indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:inRange: #(#(anNSObject handle) #(aNSRange handle)) )
	#(#isEqualToArray: #(#(aNSArray handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#objectAtIndex: #(index) #NSObject)
	#(#objectAtIndexedSubscript: #(idx) #NSObject)
	#(#objectAtIndexes: #(#(indexes handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#pathsMatchingExtensions: #(#(filterTypes handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#removeObserver:forKeyPath: #(#(observer handle) keyPath))
	#(#removeObserver:forKeyPath:context: #(#(observer handle) keyPath pContext))
	#(#removeObserver:fromObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:context: #(#(observer handle) #(indexes handle) keyPath pContext))
	#(#removeObserver:fromObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath: #(#(observer handle) #(indexes handle) keyPath))
	#(#setValue:forKey: #(#(value handle) key))
	#(#sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: #(#(sortDescriptors handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#sortedArrayUsingSelector: #(comparator) #NSArray)
	#(#subarrayWithRange: #(#(aNSRange handle)) #NSArray)
	#(#valueForKey: #(key) #NSObject)
	#(#writeToFile:atomically: #(pathName flag) #Boolean)
	#(#writeToURL:atomically: #(#(aNSURL handle) flag) #Boolean)

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
@ aHandle
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	((self isObject: aHandle) and: [ aHandle isArray ]) ifTrue: [
		^self withArray: aHandle
	^super @ aHandle! !

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #array)! !

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withArray: anArray
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass arrayWithArray: anArray)! !

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfFile: aPath
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass arrayWithContentsOfFile: aPath)! !

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: aNSURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass arrayWithContentsOfURL: aNSURL handle)! !

! NSArray class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withObject: aNSObject
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass arrayWithObject: aNSObject handle)! !

! NSArray methodsFor: #converting !
	" Return an Array with the elements of the receiver. "

	| result |
	result := Array new.
	self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: (S8BlockAdaptor
		for: [:obj :index| result add: obj. false ]
		encoding: 'v@:@N*').
	^result! !

! NSArray methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the size of the receiver. "

	^self count! !

! Collection methodsFor: 'Foundation-converting' !
	" Return an NSArray with the contents of the receiver. "

	^NSArray withArray: self asArray! !

NSObject subclass: #NSUUID!
! NSUUID class methodsFor: #instantiation !
@ aHandle
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	((self isObject: aHandle) and: [ aHandle isString ]) ifTrue: [
		^self withUUIDString: aHandle
	^super @ aHandle! !

! NSUUID class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #UUID)! !

! NSUUID class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withUUIDString: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithUUIDString: aString)! !

! NSUUID methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the string representation of the receiver. "

	^self handle basicAt: #UUIDString! !

NSObject subclass: #NSData!
! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #data)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #data)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withBytes: bytes length: length
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithBytes: bytes
		length: length)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withBytesNoCopy: bytes length: length
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithBytesNoCopy: bytes
		length: length)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withBytesNoCopy: bytes length: length freeWhenDone: aBoolean
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithBytesNoCopy: bytes
		length: length
		freeWhenDone: aBoolean)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfFile: absolutePathName
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithContentsOfFile: absolutePathName)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfFile: absolutePathName options: mask error: errorPtr
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithContentsOfFile: absolutePathName
		options: mask error: errorPtr)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: anURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithContentsOfURL: anURL handle)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: anURL options: mask error: errorPtr
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		dataWithContentsOfURL: anURL handle
		options: mask error: errorPtr)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
with: aNSData
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dataWithData: aNSData handle)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
fromPointer: aNSDataPtr
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dataWithData: aNSDataPtr)! !

! NSData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
fromString: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^JSCocoaController current dataFromNSString: aString toString! !

NSData buildGetters: #(
	bytes description length
NSData buildFunctions: #(
	#(#enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock: #( #(aNSBlock handle) ))
	#(#getBytes:length: #( buffer length ))
	#(#getBytes:range: #( buffer #(range handle) ))
	#(#subdataWithRange: #( #(range handle) ) #NSData )
	#(#rangeOfData:options:range: #( #(dataToFind handle) mask #(range handle) ) #NSRange )
	#(#base64EncodedDataWithOptions: #( options ) #NSData )
	#(#base64EncodedStringWithOptions: #( options ) )
	#(#isEqualToData: #(#(otherData handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#writeToFile:atomically: #( path aBoolean ) #Boolean )
	#(#writeToFile:options:error: #( path mask errorPtr ) #Boolean )
	#(#writeToURL:atomically: #( #(anURL handle) aBoolean ) #Boolean )
	#(#writeToURL:options:error: #( #(anURL handle) mask errorPtr ) #Boolean )

! NSData methodsFor: #equal !
= aNSData
	" Return true if the receiver is equal to aNSData. "

	^super = aNSData or: [
		(aNSData isKindOf: self class) and: [
			self isEqualToData: aNSData
	]! !

! NSData methodsFor: #converting !
	" Return the contents of the receiver converted to (UTF8) String. "

	^(JSCocoaController current stringFromNSData: self) toString! !

NSData subclass: #NSMutableData!
NSMutableData buildGetters: #(
NSMutableData buildFunctions: #(
	#(#increaseLengthBy: #( count ))
	#(#appendBytes:length: #( buffer length ))
	#(#appendData: #( #(data handle)))
	#(#replaceBytesInRange:withBytes: #( #(range handle) buffer))
	#(#replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length: #( #(range handle) buffer length))
	#(#resetBytesInRange: #( #(range handle)))
	#(#setData: #( #(data handle)))

! NSMutableData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withCapacity: count
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dataWithCapacity: count)! !

! NSMutableData class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withLength: count
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass dataWithLength: count)! !

NSData subclass: #NSPurgeableData!

	subclass: #NSAssertionHandler
	category: 'osx/Foundation'!
NSAssertionHandler buildFunctions: #( "mmm sounds wrong in documentation..."
	#(#handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description: #(functionName object fileName line) )
	#(#handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description: #(selector object fileName line format) )

! NSAssertionHandler class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentHandler)! !

! NSAssertionHandler class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentHandler)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSAutoreleasePool!
NSAutoreleasePool buildFunctions: #(
	release drain autorelease retain
	#(#addObject: #(#(object handle)))

! NSAutoreleasePool class methodsFor: #instantiation !
addObject: aNSObject
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass addObject: aNSObject handle)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSLocale!
NSLocale buildGetters:#(
NSLocale buildFunctions: #(
	#(#displayNameForKey:value: #(#(key json) #(value json)))
	#(#objectForKey: #(#(key json)) #NSObject)

! NSLocale methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the identifier of the receiver. "

	^self localeIdentifier! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withLocaleIdentifier: string
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass instanceWithLocaleIdentifier: string)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #systemLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #systemLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #autoupdatingCurrentLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #autoupdatingCurrentLocale)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns an array of NSString objects, each of which identifies a locale available on the system. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #availableLocaleIdentifiers! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns an array of NSString objects that represents all known legal country codes. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #ISOCountryCodes! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns an array of NSString objects that represents all known legal ISO Currency codes. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #ISOCurrencyCodes! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns an array of NSString objects that represents all known legal ISO Language codes. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #ISOLanguageCodes! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns an array of common ISO currency codes. "

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #commonISOCurrencyCodes! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString: string
	" Returns the canonical identifier for a given locale identification string. "

	^self nativeClass canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString: string! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString: string
	" Returns the canonical identifier for a given locale identification string. "

	^self nativeClass canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString: string! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
componentsFromLocaleIdentifier: string
	" Returns a dictionary that is the result of parsing a locale ID. "

	^PoolDictionary @
		(self nativeClass componentsFromLocaleIdentifier: string)! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
localeIdentifierFromComponents: aDictionary
	" Returns a locale identifier from the components specified in a given dictionary. "

	^self nativeClass localeIdentifierFromComponents: aDictionary json! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
canonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString: string
	" Returns a canonical language identifier by mapping an arbitrary locale identification string to the canonical identifier. "

	^self nativeClass canonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString: string! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #converting !
localeIdentifierFromWindowsLocaleCode: code
	" Returns a locale identifier from a Windows locale code. "

	^self nativeClass localeIdentifierFromWindowsLocaleCode: code! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #converting !
windowsLocaleCodeFromLocaleIdentifier: identifier
	" Returns a Window locale code from the locale identifier. "

	^self nativeClass windowsLocaleCodeFromLocaleIdentifier: identifier! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Returns the user's language preference order as an array of strings. "

	^self nativeClass preferredLanguages! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
characterDirectionForLanguage: isoLangCode
	" Returns the character direction for the specified ISO language code. "

	^self nativeClass characterDirectionForLanguage: isoLangCode! !

! NSLocale class methodsFor: #constants !
lineDirectionForLanguage: isoLangCode
	" Returns the line direction for the specified ISO language code. "

	^self nativeClass lineDirectionForLanguage: isoLangCode! !

NSObject subclass: #NSCalendar!
NSCalendar buildNumberAccessors: #(
NSCalendar buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#(locale #NSLocale)
	#(timeZone #NSTimeZone)
NSCalendar buildGetters: #(
NSCalendar buildFunctions: #(
	#(#maximumRangeOfUnit: #(unit) #NSRange)
	#(#minimumRangeOfUnit: #(unit) #NSRange)
	#(#ordinalityOfUnit:inUnit:forDate: #( smaller larget #(date handle) ) )
	#(#rangeOfUnit:inUnit:forDate: #( smaller larget #(date handle) ) #NSRange)
	#(#rangeOfUnit:startDate:interval:forDate: #( unit #(datep handle) tip #(date handle) ) )
	#(#components:fromDate: #(unit #(date handle)) #NSDateComponents)
	#(#components:fromDate:toDate:options: #(unit #(fromDate handle) #(toDate handle) options) #NSDateComponents)
	#(#dateByAddingComponents:toDate:options: #(#(comps handle) #(toDate handle) options) #NSDate)
	#(#dateFromComponents: #(#(comps handle)) #NSDate)

! NSCalendar methodsFor: #accessing !
	" Return the identifier of the receiver. "

	^self calendarIdentifier! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentCalendar)! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #currentCalendar)! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #autoupdatingCurrentCalendar)! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #autoupdatingCurrentCalendar)! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withCalendarIdentifier: identifier
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithCalendarIdentifier: identifier)! !

! NSCalendar class methodsFor: #instantiation !
with: identifier
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithCalendarIdentifier: identifier)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURLRequest!
NSURLRequest buildGetters: #(
NSURLRequest buildBooleanGetters: #(
NSURLRequest buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSURLRequest buildNumberGetters: #(
NSURLRequest buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(mainDocumentURL #NSURL )
NSURLRequest buildFunctions: #(
	#(#valueForHTTPHeaderField: #( field ))

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^(1 #& (handle basicAt: #HTTPShouldHandleCookies)) notNil! !

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^(1 #& (handle basicAt: #HTTPShouldUsePipelining)) notNil! !

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^handle basicAt: #HTTPMethod! !

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^NSInputStream @ (handle basicAt: #HTTPBodyStream)! !

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^NSData @ (handle basicAt: #HTTPBody)! !

! NSURLRequest methodsFor: #accessing !

	^NSURL @ (handle basicAt: #URL)! !

! NSURLRequest class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: theURL
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		requestWithURL: theURL handle)! !

! NSURLRequest class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: theURL cachePolicy: cachePolicy timeoutInterval: timeoutInterval
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		requestWithURL: theURL handle
		cachePolicy: cachePolicy
		timeoutInterval: timeoutInterval)! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURLResponse!
NSURLResponse buildNumberGetters: #(
NSURLResponse buildGetters: #(

! NSURLResponse methodsFor: #accessing !
	^self handle basicAt: #MIMEType! !

! NSURLResponse methodsFor: #accessing !
	^NSURL @ (self handle basicAt: #URL)! !

! NSURLResponse class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: aNSURL MIMEType: mimeType expectedContentLength: length textEncodingName: name
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithURL: aNSURL handle
		MIMEType: mimeType
		expectedContentLength: length
		textEncodingName: name)! !

! NSURLResponse class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: aNSURL mimeType: mimeType length: length encoding: name
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^self	withURL: aNSURL MIMEType: mimeType
		expectedContentLength: length
		textEncodingName: name! !

NSURLResponse subclass: #NSHTTPURLResponse!
NSHTTPURLResponse buildNumberGetters: #(
NSHTTPURLResponse buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(allHeaderFields #PoolDictionary)

! NSHTTPURLResponse class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withURL: aNSURL statusCode: statusCode HTTPVersion: version headerFields: headerFields
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithURL: aNSURL handle
		statusCode: statusCode
		HTTPVersion: version
		headerFields: headerFields json)! !

! NSHTTPURLResponse class methodsFor: #constants !
localizedStringForStatusCode: statusCode
	" Returns a localized string corresponding to a specified HTTP status code. "

	^self nativeClass localizedStringForStatusCode: statusCode! !

NSObject subclass: #NSUserDefaults!
NSUserDefaults buildFunctions: #(
	#(#objectForKey: #(defaultName) #NSObject)
	#(#stringForKey: #(defaultName))
	#(#setObject:forKey: #(#(value json) #defaultName))

! NSUserDefaults class methodsFor: #instantiation !

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #standardUserDefaults)! !

! NSUserDefaults class methodsFor: #accessing !
at: aName
	^self objectForKey: aName! !

! NSUserDefaults class methodsFor: #accessing !
at: aName put: aValue
	^self standardUserDefaults
		setObject: aValue
		forKey: aName! !

! NSUserDefaults class methodsFor: #constants !
objectForKey: aName

	^self standardUserDefaults objectForKey: aName! !

! NSUserDefaults class methodsFor: #constants !
stringForKey: aName

	^self standardUserDefaults stringForKey: aName! !

NSObject subclass: #NSURLCache!

! NSURLCache class methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #sharedURLCache)! !

! NSURLCache class methodsFor: #accessing !
sharedURLCache: aNSURLCache

	self nativeClass setSharedURLCache: aNSURLCache handle! !

! NSURLCache class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withMemoryCapacity: memoryCapacity diskCapacity: diskCapacity diskPath: path

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		instanceWithMemoryCapacity: memoryCapacity
		diskCapacity: diskCapacity
		diskPath: path)! !

NSURLCache buildFunctions: #(
	#(#cachedResponseForRequest: #(#(request handle)) #NSCachedURLResponse)
	#(#storeCachedResponse:forRequest: #(#(cachedResponse handle) #(request handle)))
	#(#removeCachedResponseForRequest: #(#(request handle)))
NSURLCache buildNumberGetters: #(

NSObject subclass: #NSTimeZone!

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withAbbreviation: abbreviation

	^self @ (self nativeClass timeZoneWithAbbreviation: abbreviation)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withName: tzName

	^self @ (self nativeClass timeZoneWithName: tzName)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withName: tzName data: aNSData

	^self @ (self nativeClass timeZoneWithName: tzName data: aNSData handle)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !
forSecondsFromGMT: seconds

	^self @ (self nativeClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: seconds)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !

	^self nativeClass basicAt: #timeZoneDataVersion! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #localTimeZone)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultTimeZone)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #settings !
setDefaultTimeZone: aTimeZone

	^self @ (self nativeClass setDefaultTimeZone: aTimeZone handle)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #settings !

	^self nativeClass "basicAt: #"resetSystemTimeZone! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #instantiation !

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #systemTimeZone)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #accessing !

	^PoolDictionary @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #abbreviationDictionary)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #accessing !

	^NSArray @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #knownTimeZoneNames)! !

! NSTimeZone class methodsFor: #accessing !
abbreviationDictionary: aPoolDictionary

	self nativeClass setAbbreviationDictionary: aPoolDictionary json! !

NSTimeZone buildGetters: #(
	abbreviation name description
NSTimeZone buildNumberGetters: #(
NSTimeZone buildIsBooleanGetters: #(
NSTimeZone buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(data #NSData)
	#(nextDaylightSavingTimeTransition #NSDate)
NSTimeZone buildFunctions: #(
	#(#abbreviationForDate: #(#(aDate handle)))
	#(#isEqualToTimeZone: #(#(aNSTimeZone handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#localizedName:locale: #(style #(locale handle)) )
	#(#isDaylightSavingTimeForDate: #(#(aDate handle)) #Boolean)
	#(#daylightSavingTimeOffsetForDate: #(#(aDate handle)))
	#(#nextDaylightSavingTimeTransitionAfterDate: #(#(aDate handle)) #NSDate)

NSObject subclass: #NSXMLParser !

! NSXMLParser class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withContentsOfURL: anURL
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^self instance initWithContentsOfURL: anURL! !

! NSXMLParser class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withData: aNSData
	" Returns an instance of the receiver. "

	^self instance initWithData: aNSData! !

NSXMLParser buildAccessors: #(
NSXMLParser buildBooleanAccessors: #(
NSXMLParser buildBooleanGetters: #(
NSXMLParser buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(parseError #NSError)
NSXMLParser buildNumberGetters: #(
NSXMLParser buildFunctions: #(
	#(#initWithData: #(#(aNSData handle)) #NSXMLParser)
	#(#initWithContentsOfURL: #( #(url handle) ) #NSXMLParser)